Eleventh encounter: Metapod

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As Deku sat there holding his Metapod, he couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated. "I just don't get it," he muttered to himself. "All the other Metapods from Pleasuredea use the Harden move so easily, but mine just won't do it."

The girls giggled at his words, teasing him gently. "Maybe your Metapod just doesn't find you cute enough, Deku," Ochako teased, a playful smile on her face.

Deku blushed at her comment, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Hey, I'm plenty cute!" he protested.

Marceline, who had been listening in on the conversation, chuckled. "Well, maybe your Metapod needs a bit more encouragement," she suggested. "Why don't you try showing it something really cute?"

Cream nodded in agreement. "Yeah, sometimes all it takes is a little bit of inspiration," she added.

The girls all nodded, urging Deku to try again. "Come on, Deku, show us your cute side!" Tsuyu encouraged, a playful glint in her eye.

Deku took a deep breath, determined to make his Metapod use the Harden move. "Okay, here goes nothing," he said, holding his Metapod a bit closer.

As he held it there, the girls watched eagerly, waiting to see if the Metapod would use the Harden move. And then, suddenly, it happened - the Metapod's body stiffened, and it let out a faint glow.

Deku grinned in excitement, feeling proud of himself. "I did it!" he exclaimed. "My Metapod used the Harden move!"

The girls cheered and clapped, congratulating him on his success. "See, I told you all it took was a little bit of inspiration," Cream said, smiling.

Marceline nodded, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "And who knows, maybe one day your Metapod will be the CEO of Cute-ness too," she added with a wink.

The group laughed and joked together, enjoying their time together and the cute moment they had just shared.

"I don't know if that's a good idea," Deku said nervously as he looked down at his Metapod. "I don't want to hurt it or anything."

"Don't worry, Deku," Tsuyu Asui said reassuringly. "Metapods from Pleasuredea are known to be very gentle and sensitive. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Yeah, and who knows," Ochako added with a playful grin. "Maybe your butt is just what it needs to finally use Harden!"

The other girls giggled and teased Deku, encouraging him to sit on his Metapod. Deku blushed deeply but couldn't help but feel a little curious. He tentatively sat down on his Metapod, feeling a little self-conscious about the whole thing.

The girls all gathered around, watching intently as Deku sat on his Metapod. They all cheered and clapped as the Metapod suddenly started to glow, a bright pink light emanating from its body.

"It's working!" Tsuyu Asui exclaimed excitedly. "Keep sitting there, Deku!"

Deku blushed even deeper but complied, feeling a strange warmth spreading through his body. He couldn't believe that sitting on his Metapod was actually working. The girls continued to cheer him on, encouraging him to keep sitting there until the Metapod finally used the Harden move.

"Yay! You did it, Deku!" Ochako exclaimed happily. "Your butt was just what it needed!"

Deku couldn't help but laugh, feeling a sense of relief and pride wash over him. He never would have thought that his Metapod would respond so well to his butt, but he was glad that he had given it a try.

As the girls encourage Deku to sit on his Metapod, they start giggling and playfully teasing him, urging him to try it out. "Come on, Deku, give it a try! We're sure your butt is cute enough to make the Metapod use Harden," Ochako says with a giggle. The others nod in agreement, looking at him expectantly.Deku blushes at their teasing, but he can't help feeling curious about whether it will work. "I don't know if this is a good idea," he says, hesitating. "What if it doesn't work?""Don't worry about it," Tsuyu reassures him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We'll be here to help if anything goes wrong."With their encouragement, Deku finally gives in and carefully lowers himself onto the ground, positioning himself by the Metapod. As he settles into a seated position, he feels the cool grass against his skin and the soft touch of the Metapod against his butt.At first, nothing happens, but then he feels a strange sensation as the Metapod starts to nuzzle against his butt. The girls giggle and cheer him on, telling him to keep going. "You're doing great, Deku! Keep it up!" they say.Deku starts to lightly rock back and forth, helping the Metapod get a better angle to nuzzle against his butt. He feels a warm sensation spreading through his body, and suddenly the Metapod's body starts to glow."It's working! You're doing it, Deku!" Momo says excitedly.Deku can feel the Metapod getting harder against his butt, and he can't help but let out a small moan at the feeling. "This is amazing," he says breathlessly, his cheeks turning even redder.The girls cheer and continue to encourage him as he helps the Metapod use the Harden move even more. Deku can't believe how much fun he's having, and he can't help but feel grateful for the girls' support and encouragement.

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