Chapter 5

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Sean's POV

"Oh my god Arin!" Brittney screamed out.

Arin fell to the floor, holding onto his wound. His hands had blood on them and his blood was all over the floor. He was loosing a lot of blood, he was even spitting it up.

I can't believe this fucking chick just blew her head off!! Specially in Brittney's tour bus.

M stopped the tour bus and came to see what was going on! So did Jonny.
When they seen the dead chick they freaked out.

"What the fuck happened?" Asked M as he had a terrible look on his face.

"That chick we picked up! Had a gun in her fucking pussy and she blew her head off!" Said Zacky.

Zacky and Synyster fell to their knees and pushed pressure on Arin's wound. Blood was getting all over their hands.

"Brittney go and gets some towels!" Zacky snapped. "Hurry!"

Brittney quickly ran and got some towels and handed Zacky the towel. Arin was dying on them. Zacky and Synyster now had blood on their shirts and pants.

"What happened to him?" Asked Jonny.

"I tried to get the gun from that physco bitch but it was too late she already blew her head off!" Zacky replied.

"When the gun fell to the floor; the gun went off hitting Arin in the stomach!" Said Synyster.

"Why in the fuck did we pick that bitch up!" Jonny screamed at Brittney.

"She needed help!" She cried.

"That physco could have killed us!" Jonny snapped.

"It's not her fault Jonny!" Zacky snapped.

"Yeah so lay off of her!" I also snapped. "Or I'll beat your ass!"

"We'll come on and beat my ass!" Jonny snapped. "Come on tough guy!"

I went over to him and pushed him against the wall. I grabbed his shirt and was getting ready to hit him. Brittney came over to us and stopped me.

"Stop Sean it's not worth it!" She said as she grabbed my arm.

I let go of his shirt and walked over to the couch. But Jonny went to hit me but instead he ended up punching Brittney in the face.

Brittney fell to the floor, holding her face. She was crying even more. "Oh my god my face!"

Olivia helped Brittney up and I sat her on the couch and checked her face out. He busted her lip and half of her face is bruised and swollen.

"Brittney I'm sorry!" Said Jonny. "I'm soo sorry it was an accident!"

"How in the fucking hell was that an accident when you saw her standing there!" I snapped.

"I really didn't mean to hit her!" Jonny said.

"Bull shit!" I snapped as I got in his face this time. "I should hurt you!"

"Jonny you better be glad I'm helping Arin out!" Said Zacky. "If not I'll be kicking your fucking ass for hitting my sister!"

"Don't worry Zacky I got his ass!" I smirked

"Guys we don't need to fight!" Said M. "Arin needs our help!"

"We're loosing him!" Synyster snapped. "Come on Arin stay with us!"

Arin was gasping for air as he went into shock. As he took his final breath he turned his face towards Zacky and closed his eyes.

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