Chapter 12

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Sean's POV

Suddenly I woke up in a hospital bed with a breathing tube under my nose. I had iv and blood cords hooked to my arm and I had a bloody bandage wrapped around my stomach and back.

I was in so much pain from my shot wound. I started to look around the room to see if Brittney was in here and nope she wasn't.

Then a nurse came in to check my heart rate and blood pressure. She looked at me. "I see your awake!"

"Yeah where is my girlfriend!" I asked as I sat up. "The girl that came here with me!"

"Oh she's in the ICU unit!" The nurse replied. "She is in a coma from her injuries!"

"Is she going to make it?" I asked her as my eyes started to water up.

"I really don't know!" She replied. "All I know she had too much stab wounds that were very life threatening!"

"Can I see her?" I asked again.

"You need to stay in bed you took a really hard blow to your back!" The nurse replied.

"I need to see her!" I said. "I need to say goodbye if she dies on me!"

"I can't let you sir!" She said. "I'm sorry!"

"What about the guy that came in here earlier is he alright?" I asked. "He's my girlfriend's brother!"

"He's lost a lot of blood but he's stable!" She replied. "He's resting in room 208!"

"OK thanks!" I said as whiped my face with my hands.

As soon as the nurse left the room, I got out of bed, grabbed the roller to the IV and blood bags and walked out of the room to go to the ICU unit.

When I got to her room, I slowly walked in with my eyes watering up as I seen her laying there so helpless. Brittney was laying in the bed with a breathing tube going down her throat.
She had a IV and blood cord hooked to her hand. She even had a machine hooked to her to keep track of her heart. Her beautiful face was so bruised and swollen. She had stitches on her forehead, her cheek and the side of her neck. She was even very pale; I mean white as a ghost.

I walked over to her, touching her hand. I was crying my eyes out over seeing her like this.

"Please don't die on me!" I cried out. "I-I need you, even Zacky needs you!"

I sat down in the chair that was next to the bed. I even laid my head on the side of the bed and cried my eyes out.

"You can't be in here sir!" A nurse said as she walked in.

I looked up over towards the nurse. "I won't bother her!" I said as I then looked at Brittney.

"I'm sorry but you can't!" The nurse replied. "Maybe tomorrow during visiting hours!"

"OK!" I said as I got up and walked out of ICU unit.

The nurse helped me back to my room and helped me get back in bed. I was still crying my eyes out, I just hope to God she's going to be alright because I can't live without her!

"Nurse can you give me something for my back?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Yes!" She said as she handed me a pain pill for my pain.

So I took the pain pill and just laid there worried about Brittney. Around 12:00am I fell asleep.

Brittney's POV

Suddenly my eyes to see that I was laying in a hospital bed with a tube going down my throat. I looked over to see a nurse checking my IV and blood bag.

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