Chapter 13

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Brittney's POV

As the morning hit, I woke up with Sean laying in his bed. I sat up and noticed that the needles were out of my arm, so I got out of bed and went to Zacky's room.

When I entered his room, he was laying in his bed watching Family Guy. He had two black casts on his wrist that came up half of his arm.

Zacky looked at me and smiled. "Well I have hands now!"

"Awesome!" I said as I smiled back. "I'm so glad!"

"I have to keep the casts on for three months!" He said. "Plus if my body doesn't take the hands I have to wear the robot hands!"

"Hopefully your body takes the hands!" I suggested. "Because you wouldn't be able to cook or do anything!"

"I know and I wouldn't be able to play the guitar anymore!" He replied. "Plus that guy better be glad he's dead because I would've beat the living shit out of him!"

"He almost killed me!" I said as my eyes started to water up. "He told me that he was going to torture me until I quit breathing!"

"That guy is burning in hell for what he did to you and us!" He replied. "I also seen the guy kill M!"

"I wish this never even happened!" I cried. "It's my fault that we had to pick that bitch up!"

"No it's not your fault sis!" Zacky replied. "You did not know that would happen!"

"I guess!" I said as I looked down. "So when are you getting released from here?"

"I'm going to see if they can switch us to a hospital in Los Angeles!" Zacky replied.

"OK cause I don't want to stay in this state!" I said. "Or do we have to stay and wait until that physco and the rest goes to trail!"

"We probably do have to stay for that!" He replied. "If you and Sean gets out before I do I'll get you a motel!"

I nodded. "OK!"

Suddenly a cop came in to ask us some questions. He sat down in a chair and pulled out a notepad.

"I need to know what happened!" He said as he looked at us. "I'm officer Bradford!"

"Well We were traveling to Travis County for my sister's concert!" Zacky pleaded.

"While driving we almost hit this girl that was walking in the middle of the road!" I said as I looked at the officer.

"So Brittney and her friend helped the girl back on our tour bus and we was going to take her to the hospital!"

"Why what was wrong with the girl?" Officer Bradford asked us.

"We assumed she was hurt because she had blood all over her dress!" I replied.

"The girl kept telling us that he killed her friends and that we were going the wrong way!" Zacky pleaded. "So she got up trying to grab the steering wheel but we stopped her and she sat back down crying her eyes out! I mean this chick was scared out of her mind!"

"And what was the girl's name?" The officer asked me.

"I think her name was Ashley!" I replied. "But she pulled out this bloody gun out of her vagina and blew her head off! We tried to stop her but we couldn't!"

"The gun falls onto the floor and it goes off hitting my friend Arin in the stomach!" Said Zacky.

"So all of us is freaking out and trying to stop the bleeding of Arin's wound but he didn't make it!" Said Sean.

"After we supposely had this cashier to call the cops but this one cop showed up and he didn't seem right!" Zacky said. "He kept saying that me and my other friend Synyster killed the girl and Arin just because we both had blood all over us!"

"I was taking a shower when the cop showed up!" I pleaded. "He came into the bathroom and dragged me out and pushed me into Zacky!"

"Plus he tazed me and put me in his trunk and took me and my friend to his place and tortured us!" Said Zacky. "Then he killed Synyster!"

"Then he done the same to M Shadows!" I pleaded. "He stabbed me alot of times and he also done Zacky like that!"

"Can you show me the wounds so I can take pictures of them?" The cop asked me. "This will show up in court!"

"Sure!" I replied as I showed him the wounds from what that monster did to me. "He also raped me!"

As the cop took pictures of my wounds, he felt bad for me just because I went through that and he's going to make sure that family pays for what they did. That monster better be glad he's dead.

After the cop asked us some questions, he left to get things ready for court. So it looks like we will be here for awhile.

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