Chapter 9

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Sean's POV

As I was sitting in the back of the cop car, my hands were handcuffed behind my back and where he punched me in the face; I had blood rolling down from my nose.

The cop looked at me and gave me a hateful look. "Boy you fucked up when you pointed that gun at me, it could've been loaded!"

I looked at him and laughed. "Do you think I care to kill you?"

"Boy if you kill me, my nephew will cut you in half!" The cop smirked. "Which might happen tonight!"

"Bring it you pussy ass bitch!" I laughed. "I'm not scared to die, but if I break free I swear I will cut your throat for hitting my girlfriend!"

"You have balls kid!" The cop laughed as he took a drink out of his whiskey. "That girl of yours' has a really nice body, I bet you tare her pussy up; I totally would!"

"Don't talk about my girl like that you nasty fuck!" I snapped as I got mad.

"I can if I want to!" He chuckled. "What are you going to do kill me, your handcuffed!"

"Once I get free your ass is mine and I will fucking kill you!" I snapped.

"I like to see you try you bastard!" He chuckled again. "You won't do shit to me!"

I started laughing. "Wait and see!" I sat up, getting close to him. "Your fucking with the wrong person you sick fuck, so do you fuck your mother? Looks like you do!"

"Shut the fuck up and sit back before I pull over and tape your mouth shut!" He snapped. "If you say something else about my mom again I will blow your brains out and leave you on the side of the road!"

"Do it you dirty bastard!" I snapped. "I fucking dare you!"

The cop picked up his whiskey bottle, took another drink out of it. "You never shut up do you?" He smirked then took the whiskey bottle to my face.

As he hit me in the face with the whiskey bottle, the whole thing shattered and glass and whiskey went all over me. Specially cutting my face and busting out two of my teeth. I sat back with blood gushing out of my mouth, the cop laughed while I was coughing up blood.

"Now that shut you up!" He said. "Look at that we have something in common, we both don't have front teeth!" He laughed as he took his false teeth out.

I looked at him and just gave him the death stare. About 10 minutes went by and we pulled up to a very old run down house, the cop parked his car and got out of the car and walked inside.

I started looking around to see if there was any way I could escape. The fucker left the keys in here, now I needed to get the handcuffs off my hands. So I quickly struggled trying to get my hands to be in front of me, when I did I quickly got in the front seat and looked at the keys. Yes the key to the handcuffs was on the set of keys. I looked around to make sure no one was coming and I got the handcuffs off.

Now let's sneak away from this hell hole, I quietly opened up the car door; please don't make any noise! Looking around again to see if anyone was coming, which I didn't see anyone so I shut the car door and snuck around to see if I saw Zacky. Sadly I didn't see him anywhere, so now I need to make it back to Brittany and Olivia.

So I was leaning on the side of the house so no one could see me and I had a view to the barn. Suddenly the barn opened and the cop came out of the barn, he stopped and looked around. Holding my breath to keep quiet, I was looking at the ground for anything that I could hit this guy with. I looked back over at his direction and he started talking.

"Did you get those two girls at that bus? The cop asked this guy that was walking up to him and holding a bloody chainsaw.

The nodded and held up one finger. "I killed one of them!" He mumbled.

Oh my god he killed Britt or Olivia, I felt my heart break as my girlfriend could be dead. I felt my eyes watering up, I hope he didn't kill Britt.

"What about the other one?" The cop asked as he was getting mad.

"She ran off and I lost her in the woods!" He mumbles again.

"Dammit Tommy!" The cop snapped. "We can't have that bitch going to the real cops!"

"I'm sorry!" He mumbled and started crying. "Don't hurt me!"

"Go get the fucking one sitting in my car and take him to the basement!" The fake cop snapped. "Then go look for her!"

The guy with the chainsaw nodded and walked off, so did the cop. Suddenly out of no where I heard something behind me and I looked behind me and it was a fucking weird kid looking at me.

"Uncle Charlie!" He screamed out. "We have food!"

I looked at him and tried to get him to be quiet but this kid wouldn't. Wait why did he call me food, oh my fucking god these fucks are canibals. I went to run again but the fake cop noticed me and chased after me.

"Get back here you fucking bastard!" He snapped as he got out his gun.

As I was running for my life, I kept looking back to see where that fake cop was at. Suddenly I ran into the guy that had the chainsaw, he looked at me and dropped his chainsaw. Where I didn't have my glasses on I couldn't hardly see anything.

The dude picked me up by my shirt and threw me into the side of the house. I literally hit the house hard to where it almost knocked me out. I landed on my stomach and the fake cop stood over me, laughed and took the end of his shot gun to my face knocking me out.

Suddenly I opened my eyes and I was in and out of conscious, I couldn't hardly see due to my eyes being so blury. As my vision became clear, I noticed that I was in a basement and I was strapped to a table. I started struggling and looking around, I mean I couldn't talk because of the damn tape that was on my mouth.

I observed my surroundings as the light swung, seeing two dead bodies hanging from meat hooks. Then I saw Synyster's half body sitting up in a corner, what the fuck this sick fuck skinned his face off.

Suddenly the basement door opened and the guy with the bloody chainsaw came down the steps. He went over to the counter and sat his chainsaw down then looked at me.

The guy walked over towards me and started touching my face; was he going to skin my face like he did to Synyster? He kept moving my head side to side and I mean he was doing it hard to where it was giving me a headache. He picked up a knife and went to touch my face with it, I closed my eyes waiting for him to cut my face. The entire time I had Britt on my mind, if she's dead then I will be joining her and I'll finally be happy.

"Tommy I told you not to touch him!" The cop snapped as he walked down the stairs. "I have plans for him!"

I opened my eyes and saw Tommy throw the knife and started freaking out, he was also screaming like a child. "But I want his face!" He screamed.

"I told you no dammit!" The cop snapped. "Now get you're ass up stairs and help momma with supper!"

As Tommy went up the stairs, I breathed out and moaned out a bit. The cop looked at me and smirked. "I have a surprise for you boy!" He grabbed my face hard and turned my head facing him.

Unable to speak, I just looked at him and gave him a death stare. I swear I'm gonna kill this sick bastard and his fucked up family.

"You're going to watch me as I kill you're whore of a girlfriend!" He chuckled as he let go of my face.

When he told me that, I literally snapped and started freaking out. I was trying to say no but my sounds were muffled from the tape. Still laughing the cop went upstairs and slammed the basement door. I really need to get the fuck out of here so I can get to Britt.

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