The closet

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'Great i was stuck in a tiny, cramped closet. I hated small spaces, why did someone choose me of all people, at this stupid party? And worst of all she was stuck in here with wally west, why was that bad? Because he was an annoying idiot...and he was sort of attractive, i couldn't deny that, what i can deny is that i'm attracted to him, there was no possible way. What i had been feeling earlier had to be nerves, i hate parties. I know i am lying to myself, I had spent the last year hating him, well sort of not really, i had just pretended it. God i can't believe i was stuck in a cupboard with him.'
A loud knock on the door followed by a voice "i can't hear kissing" was shouted through the door, breaking me from my internal rant. This time the voice sounded different more like a males voice, so there was more then one person.
"There is no way i am kissing baywatch over there" Artemis shouted.
"Well i hope you enjoy the night together in that very small confined space" the 1st voice retorted.
"Also the more time you spend refusing to obey, the more time we'll add on to the 7 minutes, starting from now" the male voice chipped in.
"Just let me out and i promise i won't hurt you...much" artemis added in an undertone.
"No can do, just kiss the guy he really isn't that bad looking, is he?" The 1st voice answered.
"Well no thats not it" artemis replied blushing, she knew wally must have been smirking.
"Well deal with it, it's 8 minutes now" the 2nd voice spoke up again.
"So are we spending the night in here or not?" Wally asked.
"What no...i mean we'll figure another way out" artemis added hastily.
"I don't think so, Arty" Wally replied.
"Wait so you want us to do the 7-8 minutes in heaven?" Artemis asked confused.
"Well if thats what we need to do" Wally replied searching Artemis face for some kind of expression that she wasn't going to hurt him.
"But you hate me, wouldn't you rather just stay here until Megan, Zee or Dick find us?".
"What! I don't hate you" Wally said.
"Yes you do"
"No i don't"
"Yes y-" artemis started
"No i really don't hate you"
"But i took Roys place on the football team and you never liked me after that"
"Yes you did i was annoyed for like a week then i started to-you appeared to hate so i had to hate you back, plus you're an amazing football player"
"You started to what?" Artemis asked blushing
"To umm not hate you"
"Sure but anyway i hated you because you hated me-i should've just been nice then we wouldn't have hated each other for so long" artemis smiled
"No i shouldn't have even held a grudge against you in the first place, i'm sorry" Wally said giving her a smile.
"Me too" Artemis smiled back.
"So are we good now?" Wally asked cautiously but with a wink.
"Yeah suppose" artemis said giving a shy smile and blushing, realising what she, Artemis the ex-wally hater and insulter-okay she would still insult him, was doing she bit her lip turning around trying the door again.
"She has no idea what she does to me" wally muttered from the corner of the small room.
"What?" Artemis asked turning around.
"Oh crap! Nothing i was just saying about how i really like a person"
"...who is it?" Artemis asked. Defiantly not filling herself with hope.
"Well i don't think i can say the the name miss crock" Wally said with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "but i can say she is extremely clever, beautiful, sporty, amazing, witty and funny"
"She sounds amazing" Artemis said with a sad smile as she felt dismay fill up inside her, her head swam with thoughts. 'I was none of those things, apart from sporty but wally was probably talking about one of those peppy cheerleaders. Wally liked someone else, of course i never had a chance with Wally he was so nice and caring, but i'd never let myself see that side of him, until now. I had zero chance of ever being with him'. At this point she realised she really did like wally but had used hate as an excuse. She started to turn away, her bad thoughts wrapping themselves around her head. A hand grabbed hers entwining their fingers, she felt herself being pulled back to face him.
"You okay?" Wally asked concern in his voice.
"Yeah fine" artemis said giving a terrible fake smile.
"Seriously" wally raised his eyebrows at her feeble attempt of a smile, "let's sit down" he said gesturing towards the floor. "So whats the matter?"
Artemis sat down on the floor, trying to cover as much of herself as possible "ughh not much"
"It's fine i won't stare at you, no matter how beautiful you are, it's okay you can trust me" wally commented.
"Thanks, i guess i guy i like likes another girl" artemis said as she stopped attempting to cover herself. She looked at wally his back leaning against the opposite wall to hers. She crawled over to his side and sat down next to him. He gave her a quizzical look "i'm cold, i left my jacket" she pouted.
"Oh is that so"wally smirked, he started to take off his jacket "here" wally said. "I'm sure this guy will come to his senses if he already hasen't"
"Thanks" artemis grinned, it smelt of wally.
"My pleasure, m'lady" he said placing his arm around Artemis' shoulder.
Artemis blushed "i can't believe you are actually this nice"
"Gee, thanks"wally said his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"No thats not what i meant" artemis said looking up at him.
"I know, relax i was just teasing" wally chuckled.
"15 minutes" a loud voice came from the other side of the door.
"Damn i completely forgot about that"
"I guess i'm just that great company" wally joked.
"What are we going to do?" Artemis asked ignoring his comment.
"We might have to do it, because not that i don't love your company but i'm claustrophobic"
"But what about that girl you like and why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Because you were still pretending to hate me earlier"
"And the other question?" Artemis asked wanting to know the girl.
"I really don't think she will mind at all, what about that guy?"
"I'm certain i can get over him" artemis stated her heart starting to beat faster.
"You sure you want to do this i mean i can stay in here a bit longer?" Wally asked.
"If you don't want to-" artemis was cut off.
"Just kiss me already" wally said.
Artemis gave him a look of bemusement and annoyance.
She turned towards him and leaned towards him, she felt pressure on her lips she closed her eyes instinctively, her body tingling, 'too bad it was a one time thing' she thought bitterly.
What started as a simple kiss has turned into something passionate, she was grabbing the back of his head pulling him closer to her. She could've sworn she had heard the people on the other side of the door sighing a "finally" she rolled her eyes, wally chuckled. Those people must have known them. Wally picked artemis up off the floor standing her up and pressing her against the wall. The rest of the time just seemed to disappear, they heard a click of the door. As much as Artemis wanted to carry on she had to find out who they were, she opened the door quickly but the whole landing was clear.
"Ughhh they ran off" artemis said annoyed, still panting.
"Well at least we can leave". Wally pointed out "so can you get over that guy you like" wally asked.
"Well honestly no, i'd like more of him"
"Good because he would like more of you" wally grinned.
"Wait you like me? I'm not any of those things you called me"
"Yes you are, you're all of those things and more" wally said wrapping his arm around her causing her to blush.
"Do you want to go back downstairs?"
"I'd like to stay up here a few more minutes" wally smirked.
"I think thats a good idea, then we can go find zee a-" artemis didn't have time to finish her sentence before wally had recaptured her lips.
_Being_A_Fangirl helped me with this story and came up with the idea so go follow them if you haven't already.

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