After the party (for Artemis)

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Artemis waved at Wally with a shy smile, he had such an odd effect on her. She stepped inside to see Megan and Zatanna had gone upstairs, 'probably their way of telling her that me and wally needed to be alone' Artemis thought walking up the stairs. She rounded the corner of the hall and walked down, she got to Megan's bedroom, hesitating she put the note wally gave her in her jacket pocket, and opened the door. She entered to see Zatanna and Megan sat on the bed with 'spill now' expressions on their faces.
"What!" Artemis said even though she knew what they wanted.
"Why are you and wally being so nice to each other?" Megan asked.
"Well...i guess we resolved things.." Artemis said, that was actually true.
"And the rest" Zatanna said.
"Well thats it we really just resolved things and made up" Artemis replied.
"Made up or made out?" Zatanna smirked
Artemis turned a bright shade of red while Megan was laughing, "one, you don't need to know. Two, why do you want to know. Three, i don't have to tell you. Four, focus on Dick."
"One, we are your friends. Two, because we want to know what goes on in the life of Arty. Three, you will tell us eventually." Megan replied. "Whats the worst were gonna do if we find out you and Wally are 'secretly' dating"
"Well you could use it against me, or knowing you both you would gloat about it forever, because you keep saying there has been an attraction between us for months" Artemis said.
"Okay let me rephrase, we will get it out of you for example where the hell were you for like half an hour before we left the party?"
"Me and Wally told you there is was a guy who was being a jerk and annoying me"
"So wally gave you his jacket to help you calm down?" Megan asked.
"What no...i was errrm i was cold..." Artemis lied.
"Either way though you've gotta admit you have feelings for Wally" Zatanna smirked.
"What i ummm...i don't know, i mean no i don't"
"If you don't what were you doing with him for half an hour?" Megan asked.
"I was getting to know him..." Artemis said now walking over to a chair and sitting down.
Megan gave Artemis her puppy dog eyes that she could never refuse "if you don't trust us then..." Megan said trailing off.
"If i tell you where we were, will you stop".
"For now anyway" zatanna answered.
"Fine" artemis sighed, "some jerks locked us in a cupboard together"
"Jerks?" Zatanna almost shouted, then she said "you mean more than one person..?"
"Yeah there was a female and a male vo- hang on i said i'd tell you where i was nothing more" artemis complained.
"Oh shut up and get ready for bed" Zatanna ordered.
"Yes miss" Artemis said with a salute "errr just one problem i have no pyjamas"
"Check again, in that red bag" zatanna pointed to the corner.
Sure enough some of Artemis' clothes were there "how did you?"
"You gave me a spare key to your apartment, i went there first then my house"
It dawned on Artemis that she kept her journal under her pillow along with her pyjamas. Why was that a problem? Because she may have put what an idiot Wally was but she may have also put about some of his physical features and how they might have been attractive but he was still an idiot-an attractive idiot. Artemis mentally face palmed, there was no way Zatanna had missed her journal and not read it. "Ohh umm thanks...i'll go change."
Zatannas smirk told Artemis she had indeed read her journal. Artemis, internally groaning, headed to the bathroom. 'At least they don't know i have feelings for wally' She thought. She got out her big baggy green top, taking off her jacket and dress, she placed it over her head she looked in the bag for her pyjama bottoms to find a pair of spandex short shorts , she cursed zatanna, not that it mattered it was just her, Megan and Zatanna. She placed them on looking down, you could barely see them. She turned around opening the door and leaving the bathroom.
"Out of all the shorts, Zatanna?" Artemis asked, flinging the dress at Megan.
"I thought you would look good in them" Zatanna smiled.
Artemis glared at her, lifting her arms up whilst yawning, she then started stretching her arms out, she was starting to get tired. She heard a click that interrupted her.
"What? i thought Wally might want to a picture of you" Zatanna said, 'great she has leverage now' Artemis thought bitterly.
"Delete it" Artemis said throwing her jacket playfully at her.
Zatanna caught it but a crumpling sound came from it, frowning Zatanna reached inside the jacket pocket and removed the piece of paper.
"Don't look at it" Artemis pleaded.
"Whats on it?" Megan mumbled, Artemis could tell she was tired.
Artemis glared at them both "its a phone number, give it back then"
"Hmmmm how about no" Zatanna taunted.
"Zee" Artemis whined.
"Tell us who's it is then you can have it back"
"It is a really nice guys phone number that i sound at the party"
"Ohhh Arty, whats his name?" Megan asked groggily.
"I didn't agree to that" artemis glared at Zatanna and Megan.
"Okay just wait one minute" Zatanna retorted she pulled her phone out.
"What are you doing texting Dick about how you miss him" Artemis smirked.
"Shut up arty and no i'm not." Zatanna blushed a bit "HA! I knew it, i knew i had seen this phone number before"
"Who's is it?" Megan asked excitedly.
"It is they Wally Wests, so a really nice guy you found at the party, huh, Arty" zatanna laughed.
"Well...he is quite nice" Artemis blushed.
"Wait theres a note beneath! Don't forget about tomorrow, smiley face" Megan squealed.
"Ohhhh what are you doing tomorrow?" Zatanna asked.
"I don't have to tell you, plus right now i guess were just friends"
"You guess" Megan asked.
"Well at the party- nice try but i'm not telling you" artemis stopped mid sentence then continued.
"Alright fine, you know what we should do we should watch Disney films" Megan said excited.
"Well ummm i guess..." Artemis said wondering why they had dropped the topic so quickly.
"Lets watch Anastasia" Zatanna suggested.
"That's my favourite Disney film" Artemis mumbled.
"Wonder why" Megan said slyly.
"Why's that?" Artemis asked.
"Hmmm maybe because i have a handsome red head in it that saves the girl" Zatanna smirked.
"Shut up and put it on" Artemis mumbled through embarrassment. Though it may have been a contributing factor that it reminded her of someone. When the film finished it must have been early morning.
"I know we should play truth or dare!" Megan squealed again.
"Ughh more like 'tell people who you like and what you have done or do some strange random act including your crush until you pick truth'." Artemis commented.
"She has a point" zatanna added.
"Why are you suggesting we just play truth?" Megan asked.
"Well i'm not really sure" artemis said.
"Well i'm in" Zatanna said.
Megan gave Artemis her puppy dog eyes again "please Arty."
"Well i guess i could play a few rounds. Damn your puppy dog eyes Megan, its like a superpower"
"Yay! Thanks Arty" Megan said tackling her with a hug.
"Okay Megan, umm what how did you and Conner meet?" Zatanna asked.
"Well i guess we met in school, i don't think he liked me at first but eventually he did get to know me and then he asked me out- though very awkwardly i should add, he kind of shouted at me while asking me" Megan mused.
"Okay Zatanna are you and Dick actually dating or what? What is going on between you?" Megan enquired.
"Well..." Zatanna blushed, in which Artemis took much joy in "i guess were friends..."
"What! How? You two were so going to kiss if Megan hadn't interrupted you and yes i saw that." Artemis smirked and continued "plus you two always flirt."
"What! We did not almost kiss and we don't always flirt" Zatanna hissed.
"You did almost kiss i saw it with my two eyes when you were dancing, plus you kissed him on the cheek earlier." Artemis replied.
"That was a friendly kiss" Zatanna lied.
"Okay well what were you doing when you got your stuff? You took a lot longer then expected" Megan chipped in.
"That was not part of the question" Zatanna said refusing to answer.
"Well okay but you're just making your torture last longer" Artemis replied.
"Talking of torture Artemis it's your turn" Zatanna said her usual smirk was back in place, her and Dick were so alike.
'Oh no they're gonna ask me something about Wally why did i agree to this' artemis thought trying to mentally brace herself for the inevitable question.
"Artemis what were you doing with Wally in the hallway?" Zatanna taunted.
"Well we were actually only in the hallway for like 10 minutes" she said trying to escape the question.
"Okay so where were you the other 20?" Megan giggled.
"Well...we were...pushed into a closet and locked in there..."
"For 20 minutes to do what? Also what were you doing in the hall way?" Zatnna asked firing questions at her.
"I didn't agree to answer that"
"Well actually we asked what were you doing in the hall way?" Megan recalled.
Artemis groaned "could i have a different question?"
Megan looked at Zatanna, "yeah sure what were you doing in the cupboard?" Zatanna asked.
"Another question?" Artemis asked.
"No way just answer it, you chicken"
"Ughh fine we were locked in there and unless we did seven minutes in heaven we were gonna be locked in there all night, and i didn't want to be a murderer" Artemis groaned again.
"Wait you kissed Wally" Megan squealed, her acting skills come in use.
"Well yes, but by force. Also you know i hated him" artemis said bushing.
"Oh come on Arty you two would have made out even if it wasn't seven minutes in heaven"
"Well i...-"
"Also you said you were in there for 20 minutes" Zatanna interrupted.
"Yeah the longer i spent refusing the more those jerks added on to the seven minutes."
"So how long was it?" Megan asked.
"Fifthteen" artemis muttered.
"That over double the amount of original time" Zatanna commented.
"Sooo...did you like it" Megan asked cheekily.
"What! i'm so not answering that" Artemis said blushing turning her head.
"Awww do you see that Zee, she's blushing she must have loved it" Megan teased.
"Shut up" Artemis whined.
"Shes not denying it" Zatanna sung.
"I'm going to bed you two, so shut up"
"But we have so much more we want to ask you about you and Wally" Zatanna teased.
They heard a groan from Artemis as she buried her head in a pillow.
"You know Zatanna it's your turn" Artemis smiled evilly.
"Yeah so what were you doing?" Megan asked.
"Well we were plotting how to get Artemis and Wally together..." Zatanna said.
"And the rest of it, you coukd have planned that whilst walking" Artemis smirked.
"Well i might have stalled a bit to stay with Dick a bit longer" zatanna admitted blushing again.
"Wow talk about tactics" Megan said "you know i'm actually tired"
"Fine but Artemis we want to hear the rest about you and Wally tomorrow" Zatanna insisted addressing Artemis.
"If you let me sleep then sure" Artemis mumbled.

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