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You sighed sadly as you watched Sidney, Randy, Gale and Dewey survive while Stu and Billy were killed by Sid.

You loved the main cast, you weren't sad because Sidney and the others were alive, you were sad because Billy and Stu were dead.

Stu was your favorite character, (If he isn't your fav, I'm sorry.) and Billy was a good manipulator. He had a plan and it was executed quite nicely. He would've gotten away with it if he had checked if Gale was dead.

I turned off my TV and yawned as I got up for bed. I had already done my nightly routine before watching the movie. I plopped on my bed with a satisfied sigh, pulling the covers over my body so I could feel some warmth.

I lived alone in an apartment complex since my parents died in an unfortunate car accident. I didn't feel anything when they died, though. I want to believe that it was because they were horrible to me, which was exactly the case.

Dad always used to tell me how useless I was while mom simply slapped me or hit me when I didn't do anything right. I'm glad that's all over.

I soon started to think of ways of helping the two psychotic boys if I were ever to meet them. Which I won't, because obviously they're fictional, played by actors from a set in Hollywood.

'I would help Stu first, right as he runs towards Sidney I'll intervene, making him bump his head on something hard so he could be knocked out. Then I'll quickly drag him somewhere safe as I go back in the house to rescue the more psychotic one.' I nodded in approval of the plan, thinking it will never happen.

I slowly closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep, thinking of Stu Macher one last time.

3rd person POV

As y/n slept peacefully, her TV turned on all of a sudden. No girls were coming out of it, though. Instead, it was slowly dragging y/n in. Careful not to wake her up. Once she made it through the TV it quickly turned off. Her room was dead silent, not a sound to be heard.

...Y/n POV

I groggily opened my eyes and groaned tiredly as the rays of the sun phased through my window.

"Did I forget to close the curtains? Probably." I shrugged as I got up and stretched. I walked over to my TV and was about to turn it on until I froze.

"Why does my TV look like it came out of the 1990's?" I asked myself while backing away. I quickly ran towards my bathroom and looked even more shocked. My modern bathroom was now replaced with retro shit that they had way back in the 90's.

"Is this a dream?" I whispered to myself while raising my brow.

I shook my head, shrugging off the shock and began to do my morning routine. Once I had finished changing I walked down the hall and went to the kitchen.

"Weird." I mumbled as I looked at my living room. Everything in it was retro, no sign of modern furniture in sight. "If I traveled through time that would be fucking awesome."

I walked towards my fridge and looked at the calendar to see what I had planned for today. I froze once again once I saw what was written on Monday.

'First day at Woodsboro High school.' It read, I looked at the month and gasped when I saw that it was October. I slowly backed away from the fridge, hands shaking as I breathed heavily.

"I'm in Scream? What the fuck! This is awesome!" I grinned madly, a glimmer of excitement passing through my eyes.

"I get to meet Stu Macher, Billy Loomis and so many more characters. But I especially want to meet the killers." I sighed gleefully as I hopped up and down with happiness.

"Imagine if I get a call from them! If they ask me to guess who they are, I'd probably reveal them." I smiled while biting my lip. "Well, time for breakfast. And then I explore the town." I mumbled.


I walked down the streets of Woodsboro, humming a tune as I kept my hands in my pockets. Remembering which routes I was taking so I wouldn't get lost later on the way to my apartment.

I soon stopped at a video store, not just any video store. This was the exact same video store that Randy Meeks works at.

I smiled as I walked in there, actually wanting to buy some horror movies, and or some comedy ones.

The bell chimed as I went in the store. I looked around in amazement and slowly started to walk in the direction of the horror section.

I breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of what smells like new books. I grabbed Friday the thirteenth, Chucky, and Halloween. I've never been a fan of horror, Scream being the only movie I loved since it wasn't really that scary.

I nodded in approval of the movies as I walked towards the comedy section. I picked out the movie Big Daddy, since it was hilarious, The Waterboy and Billy Madison.

Thankfully I still had money, so I was set on buying these.

I walked up to the register and set the 6 movies down. No one was there so I had to wait for a bit. I turned around and leaned my back on the counter, watching as people looked at the movies they had.

"I'm terribly sorry for keeping you waiting. I had some stuff I needed to take care of in the back." Someone said from behind me. I turned around and had to refrain myself from grinning like a maniac.

Randy Meeks was just a few feet away from me with an apologetic smile as he checked out the movies.

"No worries. I wasn't waiting long." I waved him off with a smile of my own. His eyes widened and I could see a tint of blush coating his cheeks.

"You like scary movies?" He asked me, wanting to converse in small talk. He obviously saw the movies I was checking out so I just shook my head slightly.

"Hardly. It's always the same boring thing over and over again. Some random person gets killed people investigate and everyone dies except the main character." I rambled on in boredom while propping my head up with my hand as I leaned against the counter.

"I guess it is kinda expected." Randy chuckled as he put my movies in a bag. "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around school." He noted while handing me the bag which I gladly took.

"Yeah, I go to school on Monday. Speaking of which, why aren't you at school? Isn't today Friday?" I asked him with a playful squint.

"They let us have a day off since the teachers have a meeting. I'm Randy Meeks, by the way." He introduced himself while holding out his hand for a handshake.

"Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you, Randy." I smiled while accepting his handshake.

"Same to you, Miss l/n." He nodded while using a British accent. I giggled at his geekiness while pretending to curtsy at him.

He laughed at me as I joined in the laughter. 'I think that today will be the day that Casey Becker dies.' I thought while I smiled at Randy.

"Thank you so much." I smiled as I waved him goodbye while walking away.

"Wait!" Randy suddenly yelled making me stop and turn around with a look of confusion. He walked up to me and began to fiddle with the hem of his shirt. "I was wondering if I could have your number? If you want to that is." He quickly stammered while waving his hands frantically.

I giggled while nodding. "Sure." I accepted as he gave me a pen while I wrote down my number on his hand. "Don't wash it away." I told him with a flirtatious smile as I walked out of the store.

I soon started to walk back to my apartment as a smirk started to form on my face. 'I am so fucking up Billy's plan and making my own.' I thought as I continued to walk.

A/n: Soo, yeah. I decided to write another book I love. I can't help it, when I watch movies my mind had ideas for characters and I just have to write.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next one. I love you all, bye mis amores. ❤️

IT'S A SCREAM, BABY! (Stu Macher x reader x slightly! Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now