Meeting the gang

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The news about Casey Becker and Steve Orth's deaths were quickly spread through the news. I looked on in boredom at the news while I continued to eat my eggs and bacon.

"Casey Becker and Steve Orth were found dead, their organs outside of their bodies when police had found them. Detectives have shown-." I turned of the TV once I finished eating. I walked to the sink and quickly washed my dishes.

A knock was heard on my door and I slowly smiled knowing who it was. Randy started coming to my house on Saturday. I invited him over that day because I wanted to watch a movie marathon with him.

It was actually quite fun. All his facts about horror and the rules of what not to do were actually quite interesting. Even though I already knew them.

I dried my hands and walked towards the door, grabbing my backpack on the way.

I opened the door, a smiling Randy greeted me on the other side. "Ready to go?" He asked me. He had offered me to take me to school, and I, of course, agreed. He did warn me that we would be walking, though. But I was fine with that.

"Yep!" I smiled, popping the 'p' at the end. I walked out of the apartment and locked the door behind me. Randy and I started to walk to school, peacefully walking together.

"It's weird how one of our classmates was murdered." Randy spoke as he looked at the ground in thought.

"I'm sorry about that. It would be pretty weird, I guess." I told him, eyes showing sympathy. "But Detective Randy will soon figure out the culprit." I nudged him, trying to lighten the mood.

I didn't give two fucks about Casey and Steve, to be honest. I know I sound like a jerk, but that's just how I feel. I mean, that girl angered me when she just kept on picking up the fucking phone like a moron.

"Detective, huh?" Randy muttered, liking the sound of that.

We finally made it to school and I silently groaned when we saw a bunch of reporters and cops surrounding the school.

"They come quick, don't they?" Randy muttered as we looked around, stopping for a bit before entering.

"I get cops are supposed to be here, but the press is fucking annoying." I groaned as we continued to walk, avoiding the reporters that were walking towards us.

"I have to go pick up my schedule, come with me?" I asked him while giving him pleading eyes.

"Sure." He agreed, walking me to the principals office.

Randy knocked on the door, hearing a shout to enter from the other side. He opened the door and let me go first before entering himself.

We both looked at the Sheriff and at Dewey for a couple of seconds before I walked over to the principal.

"Hello, sir. I'm here for my schedule." I informed, not wanting to be anywhere near that pervert longer than I have to.

"Oh! You must be the new student. Yes I have it right here." He smiled while looking through his files and grabbing my schedule. He handed it to me and I gave him a quick thank you before walking out, Randy trailing behind me.

"Which class do you have?" He asked me while I showed him my paper. "English. A friend of mine is in that class, her name is Sidney Prescott, you'll love her." He smiled while I let out a chuckle.

"Hope I meet her, then." I smiled while we walked to my class.

"Before I forget, after class I shall retrieve you and introduce you to my friends." He dramatically said while I laughed at him.

IT'S A SCREAM, BABY! (Stu Macher x reader x slightly! Billy Loomis)Where stories live. Discover now