Chapter 1

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Author's notes: This chapter is dedicated to my little freak bestie Bianca! Thank you for all your input and feedback with this story x Love you 


"I can't believe I took work off to line up all day. We already had the tickets, this is ridiculous" I complain again for what feels like the eleventh time today.

Mandy however seems to be living it up, taking photos of a god damn gate and posting them on all her different social media accounts.

"Would you relax already, we got barricade. The hard parts over, now we get to stop stressing and enjoy the show" Her smiles are borderline manic. "You brought your sign in yeah?" she looks around the floor again for the glittered paper.

"Oh my god, yes. Now stop asking and sit down. The opening act doesn't come on stage for another two hours." I look down at my phone to check the time. "I don't know why they let us in this early." I mumble.

Waiting in the pit seemed to drag on for hours but also gave me enough time to get to know everyone around me. I found out Bianca, a 'little freak fan' whatever that is, works at a supermarket and Emily the girl next to her loves to read in her free time. We exchanged some good book titles and talked about a few authors we had in common. I will admit, I didn't mind the chatting, everyone was so nice.

It wasn't until after the opening act came and went that I started to get a bit nervous. When the screens illuminated signalling that Harry was about to come on stage, screams from fans erupted throughout the stadium. It was like I had no control of my emotions or my body as I started to begin cheering along with everyone surrounding me, dancing and following his silhouette around while he sang to us.

I wasn't a fan so I didn't know the setlist or in what part of the show I should hold the sign up so I was hoping Mandy would give me some kind of heads up so I could be prepared to complete my dare.

There were a few more songs he sang, coming closer to where Mandy and I were standing before he started to let everyone know he was looking for signs.

"Alright, now this is the part of the show where I like to go around and have a look at signs. It's also the part of the show where we all find out if you're wearing deodorant or not."

Everyone starts to laugh as those who have signs try to discreetly sniff their pits, double checking that they're all good.

I reach down and grab hold of my own sign as he starts to walk around the stage in search of a worthy response.

"Alright, got a couple of good ones to read out later. Is anyone not from Melbourne?" The responses went wild.

"Hi there, what's your name?" I look up at Harry watching him through the screen as he talks to someone on the other end of the stage.

"Maddi?" "Hi Maddi, it's nice to meet you. Where are you from?"

"Waterbowl. Is that even a real place?" he laughs. His joy is contagious as everyone starts to giggle around me. "Oh Warrnambool. Yeah, I have no idea where that is unfortunately."

Harry talks to Maddi for a couple more minutes and comes back over my side of the stage.

I almost don't believe it when I make direct eye contact with him. "Hi, what's your name?" he leans down and gestures to me.

I look behind me thinking he's talking to the person on my six but find that everyone's phone's have been directed to face me. I hear him chuckle before I turn around, "Hi sorry, no I was actually talking to you". This time I know he's pointing at me. "Um, hi" I say awkwardly. Harry looks at me like I have two heads before I realise, I haven't answered him yet, "Oh shit sorry, my name is Jess" I look back at his eyes as I speak.

I can see a hint of a smile tugging on his lips as he speaks again, "No don't apologies love, hello Jess. Your sign says help me propose, may I ask who you are proposing to?" he looks both sides of me and this is where I suddenly realise, I have messed up. I was so focused on making my sign that I didn't come up with some sort of backstory to share with him if he did talk to me. I look helplessly towards Mandy when I see her throw something on stage. I can just make out that it's a small black velvet box.

Harry catches it effortlessly like the whole thing was planned. And begins to read the note that was attached to the box.

My eyes bulge out as far as they'll go as I look at Mandy. "What the fuck is that?" I murmur to her. She just starts to giggle and shakes her head. Well, that's helpful.

Harry continues reading the note as he brings the microphone up to his lips, "Jess, are you wanting me to propose to you?" his smile is on full display now.

Mandy starts shouting all kinds of answers at him while I stand pushed against the barricade gobsmacked. Mandy elbows me hard in the ribs and that seems to flick the switch. I need to remember he's just a guy, I flirt with guys all the time.

"Yes, I'm asking you to propose to me" I smile back up at him in a way that he knows I'm taking a joke out of this whole situation.

"Well Jess, this note says you're a massive fan, so I'd just like to say thank you for your support."

I don't know what possesses me to say it but I do. "Actually, I'm not really. I'm here on a dare and I don't back out of a dare, especially ones I make while under the influence, so just say you'll marry me so I can go home and brag to everyone that we're engaged."

That pulls a real genuine laugh out of him. The laugh echoes around the stadium. "You're quite bold, I'll commend you though, I don't think I could so blatantly ask that of someone I don't really know."

"Well, you never know unless you try" I give a little pirates arm to complete the sentence.

"Alright, stop distracting me while I'm working. Unfortunately, I don't know you well enough to commit to this kind of relationship but I am extremely flattered. I hope you're enjoying the show, have a great rest of the night" he finishes off his sentence with a wink towards me while trying to discreetly shove something in his back pocket.

I honestly can't remember what happens after that. Everything else goes by too quickly.

He comes around to my side of the stage again, dancing near me while making fun of my pirate arm gesture which sets me off in hysterics.

It's all over too soon and all I'm left with is the ringing in my ears from the speakers and a sweaty body.

Harry Styles, I may understand why everyone likes him now. 

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