Bag and suitcase

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                       !! WARNING !!               

Hazel pov :
I tried to peek a little from above my shoulder and saw the dude still standing there. Doesnt he have work to do ?! Why is he not leaving ?! His mom must be waiting !! Go away boy !! Shoo !! Fuck taxi , i am leaving. I went towards the left side of the road and then turned in a street. I turned back and he was still there !!

I stopped in middle when i saw the street ended and there was no way to go. I turned around to finally face him. "Why are you following me ?!! You cotton candy headed dude !!" I shouted at him. He looked a little amused by my last words. "I want to fuck you." He said those words like they were nothing. "You want to What ?! "      "I said i want to fuck you. But seems like you are new here. Arent you ?" He smirked.  "None of your hella business." He came closer to me and trapped me between his arms.

"Hey ! Let me go ! I dont want to harm anyone on my first day here !" He didnt even move his eyes. He came so close that our lips were inches away. "Aaahhhhh!!!! " I shouted purposely to make him back away. He panicked and kept his hand on my mouth. "Are you crazy ?! Why are you shouting ?!" I bit his hand and kicked his balls and ran out of the street.

I ran so fast that i totally forgot about my poor bag and suitcase. I stopped near a water bottle stole. "One watter bottle please." And then it hit me. My suitcase !! My bag !! Fuck suitcase , i can get new clothes but my bag !! It had my id card and my important documents. What will i show in the university ?! Oh nooooo.....i fucked up.

I payed the man and went to sit on a bench. I dont even have my phone ! Everything was in the bag. What should i do. Should i go and check again ? What if he is waiting for my return to get my stuff and then he can kidnap me? I am scared of people even after knowing that i am a witch. Fuck me.

I went at the turn of the street and peeked inside. There was no one. My bag and suitcase was gone !! Nooooooo.....i slid down the wall while crying with my not so visible tears and horrible fake cry. Why am i so over dramatic. I got up and went to the spot where i left him with my stuff. My eyes caught a paper and i picked it up. It had a address written on it.

Jimin pov :
She left her bag and suitcase so i brought it with me. I opened the bag and pulled out the things. There were some snacks and documents with an id card and phone. I took the phone and switched it on , there was a middle finger wallpaper. The girl is a real badass. I took the id card and read it.

Her name is Sang Hazel and it is an id card for the university of witches and warlocks. Ohhh , thats why she was saying that she didnt want to harm anyone on her first day here. I like her. She is super hot and sexy.

The door bell rang and i went to open the door. It was Jena standing there while biting her bottom lip. She came inside and i closed the door. Removing my denim jacket i turned to her. "So , kitten wants to play ?" I asked while pulling her by her waist.

I kissed her deeply , Making her moan. I love seeing girls needy for me. I pulled her top off and unhooked her bra. Without breaking the kiss , i cupped her boobs with my hands and squeezed them. She moaned "jimin stop teasing me" i chuckled a little and took her right nipple in my mouth. I bit the tip with my teeths and she moaned. I did the same with the left one too.

I pulled off her shorts and underwear and pressed her to the wall. She removed my white t-shirt off my body. I pushed one finger inside her. She pressed her lip , trying to suppress her moans. I never make it easy for girls to suppress their moans. I pushed 2nd finger into her and this time she moaned. I increased my pace while kissing her. She gripped my hairs tightly. "J-jimin.." "yes baby"
" going to..uhhh..cum." i pulled out my fingers. She held my hand "N-no ! Please !" I smirked seeing her condition. I like girls begging me to touch them.

I took her in the bed room and threw her into the bed. I pulled off my pants and boxers. I was about to push myself inside her but before i could , i heard the main door opening and i heard a girl shouting "YOU FUCKER !! WHERE ARE YOUU !!"

The door of the room openned , revealing a girl.

Love you ❤️✨️

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