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Hazel pov :
I opened the door of the room and switched on the lights. But immediately regretted it when i saw the scene infront of me. I froze on the spot and my mind stopped working. I saw the dude with a girl under him lying on the bed. They both were completely naked. My eyes itself went over his lower body and saw his friend fully hard and standing tall and straight. A rush of heat came to my cheeks and i quickly covered my eyes. "S-sorry !" i turned around to leave the room , with my hands still on my eyes.

My head hit the wall and i hissed in pain. Peeking a little from between my fingers to not hit my head again , i went outside the room. I saw a window and opened it to get some air into my lungs. It feels like i forgot how to breath for 5 mins straight. I turned around and saw my bag and suitcase on the table. I heard some shuffling noises from the room which means they both are busy wearing their clothes.

I took the chance and picked my bag and suitcase and ran out of the apartment. I wouldnt have left him till the time i see him inside the jail but this was the only thing i could do to escape such a embarassing moment. This is the most embarrassing thing i have faced in my life. But atleast it taught me a lesson that knock the door before you enter in someone's room. Being a kid who never got privacy , i didnt even thought once before opening the door of his room. Forget about me , think about how much embarrassing it would have been for him. Fuck him , and dont think that he must be embarrassed. How can a dude be embarrassed when he is the one who himself asked you to get fucked by him without even hesitating.

Think about the girl , poor girl. I wish i could say sorry to her. At the last i am the one who spoiled a really pleasurable moment for her. She must have been so embarrassed. Oh god , i am never opening anyone's room door without knocking ever again.

I went out of the building and thats when i heard a voice from above. I looked up and saw the dude with his head out of the window , waving at me. "WHAT DO YOU WANT ?!" I shouted so he could hear me as his apartment was at 14th floor. "I WANT TO FUCK YOU !!" He shouted back , i made a frustrated and annoyed face , both at the same time. Mins ago , he was about to fuck that girl and now he is peeking out of his window and telling me that he wants to fuck me....seriously ?

"GET LOST !! GO FUCK YOURSELF !!" I replied. "WHY SHOULD I FUCK MYSELF WHEN I CAN FUCK YOU ?!" well , he got a point there. "YOU CANT FUCK ME !!"
"WHY ?!!"    "I CANT HAVE SEX WITH YOU !!"     "O WAE ?!! ARE YOU IMPOTENT ?!!!" My eyes went wide after hearing his words. I immediately pulled my hands in the air and moved them as a no "NO NO !! ITS NOT LIKE THAT , I JUST DONT WANT TO !!" We both were talking ingnoring the people around us who were giving us annoyed glances.

"COME BACK HERE !!" He shouted "NO !! I AM LEAVING !!" I said and turned around , quickly grabbing my suitcase and running out of there. I called a taxi and sat in it. I asked the driver to take me to xxx colony. Mom told me there are apartments for people like me. And with that 'people like me' even i dont know what was she reffering to.
She said that her friend's son owns one of the building there and she have asked him to give me an apartment on rent and gave me the address of the building. She also said that my stuff has already reached there.

And about that dude , i cant just have sex with anyone and especially someone i dont even know name of. I am a virgin. He is a fuck boy. Its not normal for me to have sex with anyone but it is normal for him and for every person living here. And i can tell this because i can see people making out on footpaths , infront of shops and leaning on the wall of the empty streets as i can see them through the window of the taxi. But its not the only thing i am saying this because of , the city itself is called 'The city of fuckers' because of how a normal thing sex is for people living here.

The car came to a halt and i made myself out of it. I payed the driver and went towards the tall building infront of me. I went towards the building , which my mom told me about. There was a guard standing there "umm..hi , actually , my mom booked an apartment for me in this building and the owner asked me to take the keys from you." He smiled and asked "Are you Sang Hazel ?" "Yes , i am Sang Hazel." "Can you please show me your id ?" I nodded and pulled out my id card from my bag and handed it to him. He looked at the card and handed it back to me with keys. "21st floor , room no.144." "Thank you." I thanked him and made my way inside the building and to the elevator.

Repeating the room no. in my head , i pressed the 21st floor button. The elevator started moving and i waited patiently. I hope no one gets in the elevator, i dont think i am ready to meet people that soon. Its 10 pm right now and i am really tired. It was an exhausting day. Well , i dont think the luck is with me today because the elevator stopped at 10th floor and the door openned. I saw two boys hugging each other "Ok , i will meet you guyz later, bye kook , bye hyung." One of them said and entered the elevator. His gaze shifted towards me and i starightened my posture.

He knitted his brows "Are you new here ? I never saw you in the building before."
"Y-yes , i am new here." "Umm your name ? If you dont mind telling me sweet heart." "No its ok , i am Sang hazel." I smiled. He raised his eyebrows and made a O with his mouth.

"Are you daughter of Miss Sang Luna and Mr Sang Hyeonseok ?"

Love you chimmies , mwah 💋❤️
Ik the hot stuff is still waiting to get started but for now , the story needs the base. 😁💜✨️

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