Couch or room

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You 4 were now home with the food almost reaching back to your mouth. You again did over eating even after knowing you cant really digest it that quick.

It was now 4 of you standing in a square to decide who's gonna sleep where. "I aint sleeping on the couch"
"Me too " "Me three " "Me neither "

"But we have to corporate !" You said , earing a huff from each side. "Why dont you sleep on the couch and me in your room ? That doesnt sounds bad to me" jimin said for what you replied "Yup why would it sound bad to you when its benefitting you."
"She got a point there " jin agreed.

"Well for me , my back aches if i sleep on a couch" jungkook said looking at each of you one by one. "Well your back was all good when you slept with the waitress on the counter ?" Jimin looked at jungkook who cleared his throat
"Never mind i am okay with the couch."
With that he picked a pillow from the pillows kept between you 4 and plopped himself on the sofa.

"I am the oldest you 2. I aint going to sleep on the couch." It was jin this time to start the conversation. "Well, being the oldest you should be the one to take the pain and not us." You argued.
"WeLl being the OlDeSt you should accept my decision." "Why should we accept your decision when we kicked off the youngest one here ?" Jimin popped in.

"I aint giving up like jungkook did. I am not that easy you guyz."
Just then jimin walked past you and to the door of your room. You immediately ran past him and infront of the door with your hands raised to the sides and standing wide infront of the door. "Get aside.." he pushed you hard and closed the door and locked it. "JIMIN !!! OPEN THE DOOR. THATS MY ROOM !!"

"WELL FOR TONIGHT ITS MINE !" You heard from the other side. "I'll make sure you pay back " you muttered under your breath , turning to Jin "Miss Witch Bit- i meam Hazel.." you looked at jungkook who was the one to raise the voice. "He'll take the whole night for the arguement , he's a stubborn one and thats why jimin hyung left. So , you better sleep on the couch." You let out a sigh in anger and picking up the pillows and went to jungkook's room , shutting the door with a bang.

"Well , you were right little bunny but i guess she chose otherwise. Fucking need to sleep on this fucking COUCH !" jin threw the pillow at jungkook harshly after speaking the last word. "Wtf hyung ! " "sorry" plopping himself on the couch , he drifted off to sleep.


It was the next morning. The weather was cloudy and greyish , fortunately it was a holiday today on the account of the day when this university first opened. And unfortunately jimin is still here.

It was 1 : 30 in the afternoon , you already made your bed and sprayed some room freshner in the room for it to again smell the same as it use to daily. Making your way to the balcony , you looked at the beautiful view of the city. People were still working and were busy with their own life. Just like that your eyes were roaming around , seeing people working and even making out ?! You were a little shocked at how it was completely normal here to make out anytime.

But again , the city does the same work of its name. "Hey beautiful" you felt a hot breath on the back of your neck. You turned around "back away you cotton candy !" Jimin tsked on your words. "First time in my life have i regretted dying my hairs." He said.

And again his eyes were on your lips and yours in his eyes. He pulled up his hand and started rubbing your lower lip with his thumb , coming dangerously closer and closer. Somewhere in your mind you actually wanted to kiss him and somewhere you dont because of the tiny crush you had on taehyung. But still you wanted to feel how kiss feels like , how it feels when your lips connect with someone else's lips.

At this point his chest was almost touching yours and your noses had already paired up. His soft plump lips were just a push away from yours. You prayed that no one interrupts this time but still wanted it to stop. Your two brain cells were tired of fighting by now and left it all on the flow. And then...





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