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It was the next morning. You headed to your uni and made your way to your class. Putting down you bag pack , you pulled out your phone just to scroll through some reels for passing out the time. "Hey !" Taehyung exclaimed taking a seat beside you. Your heart skipped a beat when he turned his handsome face to you with a big smile.

Your heart was pounding at its highest that you have to even calm it down by rubbing your chest a little. "Hi !!" You said smiling upto ears. "How are you doing ?" He asked "am good !" You said almost lost in his beauty. He turned towards the blackboard but you were still digging holes into his soul. Looking at his skin shining because of the sun. His chocolate brown eyes. His red cherry like lips. Hearts were popping around you as you saw a red heart with wings flying from your side to him and popping right on the left side of his chest.

You saw 2 flowers turning towards each other and almost touching each other as if they were in love but a bee came buzzing and sat on the flower which you assumed as you and the other as taehyung. The bee stinged and just like that your daydream was broken by jimin who was pinching your arm "OUCH !!" You jumped on your seat as you slapped his hand away "wtf jimin !" You passed glares at him on which he rolled his eyes.

"I have been calling you from past 5 mins but you were so lost in admirring taehyung that you didnt even hear me." He flipped his hairs , turning to look at taehyung. He saw him staring at you with the same admiration as you. He slapped his head , bringing him back to reality. Taehyung cleared his throat as he turned to the other side. "Get off my seat you wand." You narrowed your eyes as you looked at jimin with a deadly glare. "What did you call me ?" "A wand" he said pulling you by your arm off seat and sitting on it before you could.

You gasped and pulled his soft shiny pink hairs making him groan in pain "You little broom head lemme go !!" He shouted pushing you away. You showed him a middle finger and taking your bag you went to the seat which was on the right side of taehyung. Taehyung was laughing his ass off looking at jimin whose hair were standing like they got an electric shock. Jimin rolled his eyes looking outside the window.

Just then miss Lee entered and the class wished her good morning. She asked to sit and begin to teach. "So ! My dear students , today we are going to talk about speacial kinds of witches which are rare to born and are called or known as 'Ace witches' because of the powers they possess. They arent normal witches as we are cuz their powers are more strong and divine." As she finished the definition , one of the student asked "Miss how are we supposed to recognise them ?"

"They have super abilities such as , they can see spirits , and sometime can hear thoughts." Your mind immediately went to the time when you heard jimin's thoughts even if he was ricky. You shrugged the thought away and focused on what miss lee was saying. "After the introduction of 'Ace witches' we are now gonna talk about the evils. One of the evils which we are gonna talk about today is 'Hypnotizers'. These creatures can hypnotize anyone with their beauty and their ability to hypnotize by just looking in a person's eyes. We witches should especially need to be carefull as cuz we can be the most harmfull super natural being because of our powers. And ofcourse 'Ace witches' are way more harmfull. So you have to bring more info on these 2 things tomorrow. And now team up with 3 students in each time."

She said and you turned to taehyung as he is the only student you know here. Jimin is a bitch or thats what you think. "Hey tae-" you got cut off by jimin "no you aint teaming up with us." You glared at him and continued "tae lets team up !" Taehyung gave you a bright smile "i like that nick name and ofcourse we are teaming up. Dont listen to jimin." You jumped happily and looked at jimin who was smirking which made you confused.

You were at your apartment now , after a long day. It was 6 : 20 rn and your door bell rang. You were about to start your k-drama so this was the worst thing that could happen. You groaned but got up from the couch anyways. You opened the main door and jimin entered pushing you aside. "Wtf ?! Thats not how you behave with a lady !"  Jimin rolled his eyes. "Is jungkook home ?" You moved your head as a no. He made an 'O' and came nearer to you and you backed away till your back hit the wall. Humming to himself , he traced his middle finger all along your face. Admiring every single detail of your face with his choco brown eyes , his eyes paused on your lips.

His face started getting closer and closer and his lips were inches away from yours. You could feel your heart beating at its highest as if it would jump out of your chest. The two of your brain cells were fighting for if to push him away or let him do what he was doing. And then.......

Jungkook came. "Hey Miss Witch Bitch !! Was up ?! I-" he gasped seeing you and jimin in that position. You immediately pushed jimin away and fixed your position. "I- i- think i came at the wrong m-moment. I-I'll BE BACK SOON !!" with that he ran back out. You turned to jimin "WTF WERE YOU DOING ?! I WONDER WHAT JUNGKOOK MUST BE THINKING ABOUT US AND SPECIALLY ABOUT ME" he covered his ears , protecting them from going deaf. "Says the one who was enjoying it herself. And its not like jungkook is seeing this for the first time , he was reacting as if he never saw me kissing someone when he even saw me having sex."

You gasped on his words and just then someone unknown entered your apartment "Yahh !! Jiminaa Jungkookshiii !! Hyung is here !!"

Guess which hyung is here 😁

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