two: the ruse.

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BROOKLYN THOUGHT SHE knew everything that was going to happen once she revealed her "relationship" with Percy Jackson.

She thought wrongly.

The whole camp literally freaked out. And by freaked out, she meant like freaked the fuck out.

Because honestly? They should've expected it. The way that they'd been flirting the past two weeks . . . well, who would've thought that they'd not be together?

"You're dating him?" Kayla, one of Brooklyn's closest allies, asked her in disbelief. "Percy Jackson. You."

"Why is it weird?" Brooklyn frowned, feigning confusion. "We're dating."

It was very weird, in fact. Sure, they'd been acting like friends for the past two weeks, but they just weren't in the same league as each other. And besides, Brooklyn Hayward and Percy Jackson? They just didn't fit, when you heard the two names side by side. The only thing they had in common was that they were both children of the Big Three.

But honestly? They had chemistry, which was just weird. Maybe that was just Silena saying it, but Brooklyn wasn't sure.

"Come on, Brooks," Michael called from across the table. "You said that you hated him."

She frowned. "I hate everyone."

Kayla snickered. "That's true, but seriously. In fact, I can't take you two seriously."

"You can't take Brooks seriously? I know, I can't either."

Rolling her eyes at the familiar voice, Brooklyn turned and looked up at her 'boyfriend', pouting. "Come on, darling. You know you like me."

The emphasized pet name almost made her laugh. It was so ridiculous when they gave each other nicknames.

"I wonder how I wanted to date you every day," he took one of her hands that was in her lap from where she was sitting criss cross applesauce on the bench. "Are we going yet, babe? I promised you that I'd help you beat your time on the climbing wall."

No he didn't. But Brooklyn felt the glare of Annabeth Chase on her, so naturally she needed to leave.

"As long as you actually help me this time," Brooklyn grumbled, but he helped her up, and she looked back at the Apollo table and winked. "See you all later?"

Kayla whistled. "As long as you get it."

"Shut the fuck up!" Brooklyn protested, hitting her head with her free hand. "I will end you."

"And that's our queue to leave," Percy dragged her out of the Mess Hall, before looking back at her. "Promising to end people was not on our agenda, princess."

"She's my friend," Brooklyn spit out the lies from her mouth. She didn't have friends. She had allies and enemies in high and low places. But if she had to lie to sound not like a total loser, she would.

She nearly shivered. That lesson had been taught to her at a very young age. She hated it.

He raised his eyebrows at her. "That makes it better?"

"Have you looked at me properly, Jackson?"

"Good point," Percy said, dragging her along further. "Silena says that we should do our activities together today."

Brooklyn snorted. "You're depending on her so much for this stupid fake relationship."

"Have you looked at me properly, Hayward?"

Damn it. He got her there.

"Fine," she said. "But maybe you should watch some more romcoms. You know, because you're becoming the stereotypical boyfriend."

NEVER BE THE SAME . . . percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now