three: the first day.

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THAT WAS WHY Brooklyn spent her first ( supposed to be second, but she didn't bribe the school in time or something ) of sophomore year in a principal's office — but instead of getting in trouble, she was being told everything she "needed" to know about attending Goode High.

"What classes are you interested in taking?" the principal asked, sliding a piece of paper with a shit ton of words on it to her. She picked it up and offered it to her caretaker, Xander. He's been with her her entire life; she doesn't trust a lot of people, but she trusts him more than anyone else.

"She has dyslexia," Xander explained. "We have methods of learning that work for her, so do not worry about that."

"I see," the principal nodded. "You don't have to figure out your entire schedule today, Miss Hayward. You can figure out the rest with your counselor at another time."

Brooklyn nodded, internally wrinkling her nose at being called 'Miss Hayward'. "What credits of mine have transferred from my last school to this school? I don't feel like taking another health class. I got my credits over with for a reason."

After that she zoned out mostly, letting Xander handle it. He'd probably scold her for this later on, but this is what he was here for. The million words on that one side of the paper was already giving her a headache just thinking about it.

Eventually, Brooklyn heard something about a tour, and she stood up, following the principal and half-listening as she showed her and Xander around the school, even if he wasn't going to be around here much. Unless he was bailing her out of this place for an afternoon.

"This is the student entrance . . . this is the cafeteria . . . these are the gyms, where your first class is."

She perked up at the gyms. This was her favorite place; mainly because she felt at home in a gym, playing volleyball. "You have a good volleyball team?" she asked.

The principal turned toward her quickly, seemingly glad that she finally spoke up. "Yes! Would you like to go to tryouts?"

"I would love to, actually, if you could send the information to me and Xander," she felt her lips quirk up into a smirk.

"That will be sent to you soon," the principal nodded. "Now, Miss Hayward—"

"Brooks?" a familiar voice called.

Brooklyn's mind flashed back to when Percy had told her his schedule in Goode. Right. He had gym first hour.

She turned to him and grinned. "Hey, Perce!"

"What are you . . ." he came closer, gesturing between her and Xander and the principal. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to school here now, darling," she rolled her eyes. "I wanted to be closer to you."

"You're ridiculous."

"Don't you know it," she gave him an angelic smile before turning to the principal. "You know Percy Jackson, right? My boyfriend? His stepfather works here . . . Mr. Blowfish?"

Percy sent her a glare that she knew all too well at this point. "Mr. Blofis," he corrected. "Mrs. Miller."

Brooklyn made eye contact with him and mouthed: Mrs. Miller?

"Ah. Yes." Mrs. Miller looked dubious, but she nodded. She seemed to do that a lot. "Well, Mr. Jackson, would you be so kind as to show Miss Hayward around and take her to her classes?"

"I—" Percy was totally holding back laughter at the 'Miss Hayward'. "Yeah. Yeah, I can show her to all of her classes."

Mrs. Miller smiled. "Fabulous! Well, Miss Hayward, if you have any problems, just talk to your counselor, okay? I've left — ah, Xander, was it? — with everything that you need to know."

NEVER BE THE SAME . . . percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now