one hundred and eleven : the ice cream day.

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AFTER THEIR ENCOUNTER with Kym, the Argo II limped through the Aegean, too damaged to fly, too slow to outrun monsters. They fought hungry sea serpents about every hour. They attracted schools of curious fish. At one point they got stuck on a rock, and Percy and Jason had to get out and push. Brooklyn had stood there and laughed at them. She's such a good girlfriend and sister.

Over the course of three long days, they sailed through the sea until they made port at the island of Mykonos, which probably meant it was time for them to get bashed to pieces again.

Percy and Brooklyn went ashore to scout because they were long overdue for a date. Mykonos was basically full of different white stucco buildings with blue roofs, blue windows and blue doors. Percy was in love, and she could see it while they walked around the city.

"You look like you want to move here and stay here forever," she teased.

"And leave my mom? Never." He scoffed, swinging their entwined hands together. He glared at the pelicans strolling around. "I could never live with these demon birds."

Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "Wimp," she said. "But I love your mother. She's amazing."

He hummed in agreement, looking down at her quickly as if he'd just realized something. "What are you gonna do about your mom?"

She shrugged. "I'm gonna try and get disowned," she said. "I don't give a fuck about the company, or her, or whatever. I just want to do what I want. Besides, I'll tell her about Tartarus, and then I'll walk out with my sunglasses on and a smirk on my face."

"Your victory smirk is cute," he said, but then he continued, "What are you gonna do after?"

"I don't know," she shrugged again.

"Captain Marvel."

She rolled her eyes. "I'll go to Goode with you for our senior year," she explained. "Or junior year, if we, you know, have to redo that."

"Ugh," Percy wrinkled his nose. "Don't remind me."

Brooklyn laughed at him, causing people to stare but she didn't care. "And then . . . I don't know, I think I want to be a pilot."

He groaned. "Really? I hate the air."

"Just 'cause you're a baby and can't handle flying, doesn't mean I can't."

"Shut up, Brooks!"

Brooklyn snickered. "I don't know, I could try my hand at professional volleyball, but I do want to be a pilot someday."

"Hey, whatever you want to do, I'm happy," Percy gave her a smile, a genuine smile that made her heart skip a beat. "As long as you're not dragging me on the plane with you."

"Come on, Perce," she whined. "We have to go on vacations. We should go to, like, all of the islands. Caribbean, Oceania, every single one of them."

"And you think we can't go on a boat?"

"Planes are quicker and funner," she rolled her eyes.

He shook his head. "No."

"Party pooper," she pouted. "Hey, what do you wanna do when you grow up?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Something with water?"

"Don't look at me," she accused. "Ask Annabeth for advice on that." She spotted something in the distance and grinned. "Gelato! Let's get some."

Percy frowned. "Do we have money?"

Brooklyn took out a credit card and spun it between her fingers. "Stole it from Annabeth's room," she smirked.

NEVER BE THE SAME . . . percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now