Sonic Frontiers - Anything for Them

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That being said, enjoy!


Sonic is willing to suffer anything to save his friends.

Even death.

(Takes place in Frontiers. Obviously XD)


Sonic had always loved freedom.

It was one of the things that he valued the most in life. He hated being tied down anywhere. He loved his ability to go where he wanted, when he wanted. It was such a wonderful feeling, so wonderful that he wanted everyone to have such freedom.

That was one of the biggest reasons he was so determined to stop Eggman all the time. Eggman's actions hurt people. Took their freedom. Rendered them powerless. He hated having to see the fear and hurt in their eyes, in the eyes of strangers he'd never talked to but vowed to protect.

Exploring Starfall Islands had been an . . . interesting experience so far. Between destroying the robots he came across, taking time to just look around and observe the beauty of the place, and getting a ton of one-on-one time with each of his friends . . . Well, exploring new places was always fun, but there was something distinctly bittersweet about this time around.

"I wanna share that love with the world." Amy's quiet words of longing rang in his mind. "Even if . . . it takes us far apart."

He was excited for her. It was a good thing. Let her go off on her own for a while, do her own exploring, share her love with as many people as she could. He'd miss her, but it wasn't a permanent thing. Again, he wanted her to have the same freedom he did.

"I'll admit, I do envy your lifestyle. Freedom to go where you want, when you want."

It wasn't something he'd ever thought he'd hear Knuckles of all people say.

"So do it!" he'd instantly replied. "Get out there and live a little!"

"Maybe I could. But first I need to be back to normal."

Knuckles was bound to Angel Island for most of his life, guarding the Master Emerald. Granted, he was more bound there by his own obligations as the guardian than anything else, but still. It was great that he was finally giving himself the opportunity to get out and do some exploring of his own. Neither of them knew what to do with the Master Emerald for that time, though Sonic had considered guarding it himself for the time Knuckles was out.

Knuckles was leaving, too.

Again, it wasn't permanent.

But then there had been Tails. His little brother.

First it was "Am I a burden to you?"

Of course he wasn't.

Then . . .

"When this is all over, I think I need to go it alone for a while. I can't grow into my full potential if I always fall back on you."

Those words, admittedly, had hurt more than the others. Yes, he was excited for Tails. He would never want to hold his little bro back from going his own way.

It just . . . hurt a little. It would take some getting used to, not having the little fox flying around with him, going to his lab and finding it empty, etc.

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