Part 11

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It's time to do what you've always wanted to do!

This might shock you.
Most people are WRONG.
Most people will think they're unlucky.
Most people will accept less than what they deserve.
Most people will accept a mediocre life.
Most people don't even allow themselves to SEE opportunities to create their dream life.

And even if they do see an OPPORTUNITY, what do they do?

They ignore it.
They find excuses like

"what if I try and it doesn't work out"
"I'm not that smart/priveleged/confident" etc

And so they wait and wait.
And keep accepting a mediocre life.

They keep betraying themselves and their true desires.

In the last 4 years we have taught hundreds of people how to start an online business. Back in 2018 when we quit our jobs and started an ecommerce business we learned SO much and once we gained enough experience, we started teaching ecommerce.

First we organized offline 1:1 trainings, then group classes and then we created online courses.

When we started coaching ecommerce, our prices were ridiculously low, like 1:1 program was 170€ (that was about 4-5 weeks).

And we'd get messages like "why is it soo expensive" 😏

When we closed all our programs last month, our prices were 3000-9000€!!

Only around 2% of our audience purchased our products (services, courses etc). And there were thousands who missed the chance to learn from us because they kept ignoring the opportunities and finding excuses. Because they chose to accept a mediocre life. They chose to betray their true desires.

I see the same pattern right now.

Many people see us starting from scartch in the mindset and spirituality space. We launched a workshop + our membership , but most people ONCE AGAIN choose to ignore these opportunities. A year from now our products will be priced maybe x10 and that's when many will realize they missed their chance.

What I'm trying to tell you is when you see an opportunity, stop coming up with excuses! Yes, it's not easy of course. But these opportunities won't be there tomorrow!

Stop betraying yourself!
Stop betraying your dreams!

 But these opportunities won't be there tomorrow!Stop betraying yourself!Stop betraying your dreams!

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