28. July - Last Year

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Doctor appointments and physical therapy filled the next month and a half. Dean spent every waking moment working to get himself back to full strength, anxious to get back to work despite having been given three full months off.

Sophia watched him put in the work with pride. Being a firefighter was so important to him, and she wanted him to be able to get back to the job that he loved. But she couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry watching himself push so hard, trying to get back into good enough physical shape in half the time he had been given.

Despite that, every time Dean came home from an appointment with fire back in his eyes because he reached a milestone, Sophia celebrated with him, doing her best to stay positive. And there was nothing she loved more than seeing that light in his eyes, something that had faded for a few weeks after his injury.

"Hey, Sophia? Have you seen my work bag?"

They had spent the night at her apartment, and she was just finishing up cleaning coffee mugs when Dean's voice rang out from her bedroom. She shut off the water and turned around. "No, why?"

Her mouth ran dry as Dean came out, practically beaming, dressed for work. "I just got the call," he said, coming up to her and planting a kiss on her cheek, "I'm all cleared to go back."
"Go back?" Sophia repeated. "Like, today?"

"Yep." He glanced around and his eyes fell on a pile of his things next to the couch. "Ah." He rummaged around and pulled out his work bag.

"A full shift?"

"Yeah. I should get off a few hours after you. Meet at my place?"

But Sophia didn't reply. She was too busy trying to stave off the panic of the thought of Dean going back and getting injured again. She couldn't lose him. She just couldn't.


"You're sure it's not too soon?" Sophia asked, pushing down her panic and voicing her concerns. "I mean, they gave you three months for a reason, and you've barely used half of that."

"They said I'm good, Sophia. And I feel fine. Why shouldn't I go back?"

"Wouldn't it be better just to wait?"

Dean grew still. "Better for who?" His mouth bent into a frown, anger replacing the earlier joy that had shone through his eyes. "Better for who, Sophia?"

"Dean, come on," Sophia said. "I just want to make sure you're okay. I don't see the harm in waiting a little while longer, just to give yourself some time to rest."

"And you think it'll be easier for you if I got back in another month and a half?" Dean asked her. "If you're having trouble now, why would it be easier then?"

"Because I'll know you've actually healed and rested!" Both of their voices were rising, and part of Sophia just wanted to shake him, get him to listen to what she was saying.

"They wouldn't have cleared me if I wasn't physically ready!" Dean exclaimed back, throwing up his hands in frustration. "It's been six weeks, Sophia, I need to get back to my life."

"I didn't realize your job was your entire life."

Dean scoffed. "Come on, you knew when we started dating how important this is to me."

"I know it is!" Sophia dragged her hands down her face. "And I'm not asking you to give it up or anything. I promised you I never would."

"That was before I got injured. That changes things. Are you sure you can handle it?"

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