The Break-Up

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Drew POV.

"OH.. And I suppose I should return the favor. You might wanna ask your girlfriend about who's she's really spending her 'busy weekends' with." Jake says angrily, before walking off.

"What..? What's that supposed to mean?! HEY!" I called out to Jake but he just kept on walking..

I dropped my hands to my sides and suddenly my mind went blank. 

He knew?..This WHOLE time...? HE KNEW?!  

I balled my hands up into fists and tried to process what just happened. 

I snap back into reality, and I hear whispering behind me.

 "Just. Act. Dumb!" I heard Liam say. I turned my head to look at them and I saw their frightened faces.

Wow, so they ALL knew. 

"Tch." I scoffed and turned my head back around. 

"I'm..Leaving early." I said coldly, not even caring about my tone. 

I didn't wait for a reply either, I just walked off. I needed to clear my head. I needed..To get out of there.


Once I made it home, I opened the door and walked upstairs to my room. 

I knew my parents weren't home, they never are, so I didn't have to worry about their reaction. 

I slam my bedroom door and drop my bag on the floor before dropping down on my bed. 

I lay down on my back and stare up at the ceiling. The whole room seemed to be spinning. 

"So they all knew.." I say aloud, nobody was home to hear me anyway. 

"But none of them thought to tell me..Not even my best friend..Well I guess..He's not my best friend anymore. Is he?" I feel my eyes start to burn but I shake the feeling away, no way I'm about to cry right now... 

It's not like I care that Zoey's cheating on me, It's not like I didn't know that she was anyway. It's the fact that NONE of my friends thought to tell me she was..What if I didn't know?..It's the thought that counts. I guess none of them really care about me, huh? Not even..Jake. 

I feel my eyes get wet and I put my hands over my eyes. 

Jake Sterling. The guy I've been in love with since middle school..Doesn't care about me. "Heh..Who can blame him..?" I mutter to myself, hands still covering my eyes. 

I'm just the guy who picks on others because of how insecure I am. Why would he care about somebody like me..? I mean, it was so easy for him to run off to that stupid music club and leave me behind. 

He was probably just waiting for an excuse to ditch me...and the others.  

I guess..our whole friendship was fake, wasn't it? He couldn't give a damn about me. Nobody could..

I feel my eyes get wetter and I try to shake it off, but this time, I couldn't. Tears started rolling down my cheeks, soaking my hands in the process. 

I hate this..I'm crying over nothing. What the hell is wrong with me..All because Jake dropped me? Damn it..Why the hell am I crying over him..

I sit up and wipe my face with my hoodie sleeve. I lift my arm and glance at my watch to see the time. 4:30.. School should be over now. I exhale and grab my bag from the floor to get my phone. 

Once I got my phone out, I dropped my bag back on the floor and powered my phone on. 

Damn..136 notifications? 

Most of the notifications were from Henry and Liam asking me if I was alright. The others were either from Zoey asking to go shopping, or some random app on my phone. I sighed. Of course..None from Jake. My eyes started to burn again but I ignored it.

I clicked one of Zoey's notifications and let out another sigh. No need to break up with her in person, she doesn't deserve it.


Zoey: Hey, Drewy-Bearr! Can we go shopping later? 😘💞

Zoey: Sugar cubeee! Where are youu? I didn't see you with your loser friends today? 

Zoey: Dreww, where are you and why aren't you answering my messages!? 

Zoey: Drew, what's your problem?! Are you dead or something?? Text me back!!! 

                                                                                 Me: Zoey, I'm breaking up with you. 

After I sent the message, I blocked her so that she couldn't text me back.

Might wanna lay low for a while, if I go back to school tomorrow I know she'll make a scene..Plus, I don't wanna face anybody just yet..I'm a mess. 

I'll take at least 2 or 3 days off, not like my parents are gonna care, they won't even know. 

I throw my phone across the bed and stand up, stretching in the process. Might as well take a shower.. 

I walk over to the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom and I go ahead and turn the water on.


After my shower, I changed into some black shorts, a black graphic t-shirt, and a skeleton cardigan. I drop down on my bed, laying on my stomach, and I pick my phone up. What now..? 

I sigh and drop my head down before lifting it back up and deciding to play genshin impact for a while. 

I wish Jake was here to play.. I shake my head and scold myself. Jake ditched you for some stupid music club and blamed you for some stupid recording, stop thinking about him! 

I run my fingers through my messy hair and power my phone off. 

Why did Jake have to be the one I fell in love with? Why can't I just be normal and be in love with some girl? 

He'll never feel the same way anyway..It's useless. So why can't I..forget about him? I just.. Can't do it. 

I feel a tear roll down my cheek and this time I just let myself cry.  No use stopping it anyway, I'll just start crying even more.

I laid my head down and let myself cry. It'll stop..eventually. 

Creators Note: Hello everyone!  Sorry this one was so short! I started this on a whim and wasn't sure what to do 😭 

I do plan on continuing this story though, and I'm really glad that I went ahead and started it!      

Let me know your thoughts! :DD

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