"I'm sorry."

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Drews POV

                                                      Present Time.

I immediately turned around after hearing someone behind me.


Once I saw who was it was..

I knew I had fucked up.

It was two of the music club members.

The calm one with dark hair, and the loud one who had pink hair.

"What are YOU doing here?!" I exclaimed, my heart racing.

Suddenly, I remembered the backpack I had saw on the roof.

Fuck..It must be one of theirs..

"We could ask YOU the same thing!" The girl with the pink hair shouted.

Her voice was loud, and rang in my ears.

I sighed.

"CLEARLY, you must already know what I'm doing here." I replied, trying to keep it cool.

No way I'm letting them know how scared I am right now..

"Well..Yeah! But..Wait, that's besides the point!" She shouted again.

I tilted my head.

"Can you quiet down? You're practically talking to the whole school right now." I say, clearly annoyed.

"Not to be rude or anything, but..Please don't talk to her like that, it's kinda rude." The dark haired one said.

I sighed again.

"Right..Sorry." I said, putting my hands in my pockets.

They both glanced at each other, as if surprised of my response. 

I looked away from them and tried to slow my heart race.

"Look..Can we just go our separate ways and forget this ever happened?" I say, still looking away.

"Are you seriously embarrassed of the fact that you can sing?" The pink haired girl asked, unamused.

"I don't see how that's any of your business?" I reply, looking at her and tilting my head.

The dark haired guy sighed. 

"Let's just go Milly.."

So her name's Milly..

She looked at him and ran to grab her bag. 

For some reason.. I felt..Guilty?

"Listen..I..I'm sorry." I say, avoiding eye contact with either of them.

I felt both of their eyes on me.

God..Why did I even say that..? 

"I know I shouldn't have bullied you guys just because of my own problems. And I'm not saying this JUST because I don't want this getting out. I've kinda been feeling this for a while now, just never had a chance to say anything.." My voice trailed off.

"I won't mess with you guys anymore."

"Look Drew. I may not know why you bullied us..But I'm sure you have your reasons. I'm not saying it was right, but I know you had a reason..I'm really glad that you put your pride behind and apologized. It was..It was really cool of you man!" The dark haired one said.

"Hate to say it, but I'm with Sean! It was kinda cool!" Milly added.

So it's Milly and Sean.

I chuckled a little.

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