The Realization.

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Jake POV.

After about 20-30 minutes, Milly and Sean came back with her backpack.

"What took you guys so long?" Hailey asked.

"Well, UH! We uh..-" Milly started.

"Ran into someone!" Sean exclaimed, cutting Milly off.

I side eyed them.

"Who?" Zander asked, getting off of Luke's lap.

"Uh..Just, you know..Somebody.." Sean replied, glancing at Milly.

"Mhmm.. That doesn't answer my question, though?"

"Elliot! We ran into Elliot!" Milly said.

Everyone looked at each other. (Minus Sean and Milly)

"Ohhh, I see now~" Zander said, lifting his eyebrows up and down.

Milly turned red.

"Shut up, grape wannabe!"  Milly exclaimed, crossing her arms.

"Alright, alright guys! That's enough arguing. We need to get to practicing before class starts!" Hailey interrupted. 

"Got it!" Sean said, rushing over to his desk.

"Also, guys, do you mind if I record rehearsals this time?" Sean added.

Everyone looked at him, still walking to their places.

"Yeah sure, why not? Why now though?" Hailey responded, still looking at Sean.

"Well uhm..I wanna listen to it later! Ya'know? Just to remember it after the competition..!"

We all looked at him suspiciously but decided to ignore it. 

Me and Hailey were at our microphones, Zander at his piano, Luke at his drum set, Sean at his desk, and Milly was plugging her aux into her guitar.

Once she was finished, she nodded her head at us.

"Ready everybody?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah!" We all replied in sync

"Hit it, Sean!"

And the song started.


We only got to practice once since class started soon after.

We were all walking through the halls to go to our classes; except Milly, since she's in a lower grade she had to walk in a different direction.

I suddenly stopped when I realized I forgot my Jacket in the music room.

I never leave anywhere without my baby! I need to turn around.

"Hey, guys! I'll meet you guys in class later, I forgot something in the club room!" I shouted, turning around to the club room.

As I was walking towards the club room, I saw Elliot rushing down the halls with books in his hands.

"Elliot!" I called out to him.

He stopped and looked at me.

"Oh, hey Jake!" 

"Need any help with those books?" I asked, walking up to him.

"Ah, no thanks! It's not heavy." He replied, smiling at me.

"Oh, alright then! I gotta go get my jacket from the club room before I'm late for class, it was nice talking to you though!" I said, smiling back at him.

"Yeah, you too Jake!" He started to walk off, but then I remembered.

"Wait, Elliot!"

"Yes?" He asked, turning back towards me.

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