My Drake Headcanons!!! (And more)

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Andrew Martinez: (Changed his last name from Williams to Martinez)

-Bottom boy.
-Childhood trauma ofccccc!!!
-Used to sh.
-He's gay but only just recently found out. (Was in denial at first)
-Hates physical touch unless it's from Jake or his mom.
-His hair is naturally curly but he doesn't like it so he straightens it.
-Gets embarrassed pretty easily.
-Blushes easily I guess.. (Going along with what past me decided to do.)
-Speaks spanish really fluently.
-Clearly a singer-
-Plays guitar a little
-Had a crush on Jake since middle school when they first met at a park
-Gets annoyed fast af
-Hates his full name 'Andrew'
-Favorite color is black.
-Fashion freak
-Really smart

Jake Sterling:

-Top boy.
-Fatherless 😅
-Parents used to argue a lot before the divorce but Drew comforted him when he was down -about it. (Freshmen year mainly since they didn't go to the same school in middle school)
-Bisexual hehe
-LOVES physical touch and pet names.
-Cut his hair to look cool because he was a loser and suddenly cutting his hair made him cool and hot/hj
-Likes to make people (Drew) flustered because he's a flirt 
-Knows a LITTLE (literally just a little) spanish because of Drew. (He's trying to learn it)
-Been singing since he was a kid because he found it cool
-Observant af when it comes to Drew. (He does it unknowingly...I think..)
-Figured out he had a crush on Drew in freshman year but he had small feelings in middle school but not much because they didn't talk that much
-Overall kinda slow but he can be smart when he's not stupid (iykyk)
-Can be overprotective
-Favorite color is blue
-Bad at math


-They met when they were both in middle school, but they didn't go to the same school, they just met at a nearby park and Drew was to shy to talk to him for a long time but eventually found the courage to speak to him and they became best friends in freshman year.

-They make out a lot Imma just be honest...But they never took it to far because of obvious reasons

-Drew always has to teach Jake math things

-Drew bought Jake his jacket before they got together and they were just friends

-Drew has really nice handwriting and Jake is always in awe

-Both have matching jewelry

-Both used to cry over Lana Del Ray songs before they got together

-Jake teaches Drew how to cook because he's terrible at it

-They watch horror movies together and both get scared and grab onto each other cause why not

-Jake's a lil freakaleak... Drew is interested in some lil freakaleak things as well but doesn't know for sure (This headcanon is set in the future only)


Other small things I didn't clear up in the story..

Zander's dad was somewhat abusive and that's how he knew Drew's dad was abusive as well, but he didn't know it was that bad.

Andrea knew that Jake and Drew were dating because she's a somewhat stalker and was at the competition hiding. 


THAT'S IT!!! If I have anything to add I'll either make another headcanon chapter, or I'll add more to this one!

If there's anything else I need to clear up, just let me know! I don't remember it all...


Last thing..

Should I do a smut/lime thing...I KEEP GETTING PEOPLE ASKING ABOUT IT AND NGL IM CURIOUS. But future me will be so disappointed..😨😨

Let me know if you're also curious like this one person.. (name blocked out for privacy) 

 (name blocked out for privacy) 

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