The I Love You

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Kaz's I love you..

Kaz never dreamed the moment that he was clutching the Wraith's-no, not the wraith anymore..Inej's hand, no gloves, with all his might as he dangled above the harbor..the cold wind blew through his hair and around his face. The scent of salt and the sea filled his nose..the scent Inej Carried with her after returning from hunting slavers, and for once..the smell of the harbor didn't bring brought a sense of formality, a sense of welcoming. Kaz hated the look of fear on Inej's face, he preferred the look of calm and relaxation as she sat on his windowsill in his office, feeding the crows as the sunlight danced around her face, curling around her long raven hair that was kept in the tight coil of her braid, but now, her face had tears running down her cheeks, little hairs whipping around in the air as they sprung free from her braid as she looked down at him determination and strain etched into her brow, and he wished he could kiss it away.

"Let go Inej..let go."
Kaz spoke shakily, the softness in his voice sounded like a stranger compared to his usual stone on stone seriousness.

"No! You still have cards left to play Kaz!"
Inej pleaded, inej begged as she strained harder to keep a grip on Kaz's wrists.
Kaz smiled as he looked at her, not the murder like grin he flashed his enemies, not the small grin he would flash Jesper or Nina to try and be civil no...this, this was a smile. A smile filled with love, admiration, and sadness...for his wraith, his inej, his girl.

"I ran out of cards along time ago Inej..I've been playing off luck..and I fear my luck run dry.."
Kaz didn't look down at the water dancing below as he felt his wrists slip in Inej's hands, he fixed his eyes on the beauty in-front of him, because he knew that was the image he would want in his mind as the waves swallowed him into the water.

"Not yet Dirtyhands! Magicians always have more luck up their sleeves"
Inej responded her voice filled with tears as her eyes softened fiercely at the realization hit her like a ton of bricks..if he went down so did she, and he would never let that happen.

"Magicians always need a closing act Inej, this seems to be mine."
Kaz lifted his good leg bracing his foot against the wall as best as he could, waiting for the moment as he looked up at inej.

"My darling inej, the treasure of my heart..look after them ok? The Dregs, Wylan, Jesper, Niña..look after my crows.."
He blinked away the fog in his eyes as tears slipped down his cheeks, he wanted a clear view of his girl before he pulled his final magic trick.

"I love you."
Was his final three words, he registered the look of shock on Inej's face as waves of emotion crashed against her..he didn't hear her scream as he kicked off the wall his wrists slipping from her grip as he felt himself falling fast, he immediately missed the feeling of his bare hand gripping onto hers feeling her pulse, his mind was filled with the image of her perfect face, unaware of any flaw she might have, he watched her face fade from view as his back hit the icy water of the harbor, his head immediately submerged the air knocked out of his lungs..but instead he heard a familiar voice, Jordie's voice.

"Let go Kaz, come on, the waters warm now..Da's waiting for us."
Kaz found himself closing his eyes as he sunk, he sunk deeper and deeper into the harbor he said birthed him, he let go of the last breathe he had before he hit the water.

"Fly as high as the crows wraith, don't forget who wronged you..and never forget who loved you."

"Don't forget ME."

Kaz thought as the cold waves of the harbor pulled him deeper and deeper away from the girl he loved, the harbor was welcoming him home, for the final time..

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