Chapter 5

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After running from Marcus I went home, home to Zoe and her grandfather, home to clear my mind. I don't know why Marcus doesn't know what's wrong but for now I just wanna clear my head for a few days.

"There you are"" Zoe hugged me as I entered the house.

"Yeah, I'm here" I started crying while hugging her.

"It's ok, come on, let's go upstairs" she carried me upstairs to my room and sat me on my bed.

"What's wrong, what did Marcus do?" She questioned

"I saw him kiss Mia yesterday, then today he didn't know what's wrong" I say tears streaming down my face, Zoe rubbed my back.

"Well, did you try talking to him?" 

"No, he's stupid, I don't want to see him ever again." 

"Well, I've got to go to the stables, but I'll see you this afternoon, and I could maybe talk to Marcus for you?"

"Nooo, don't talk to him, you can tell Becky and Jade." 

"K, got it, I'll see  you this afternoon." With that she left.


Y/n said not to talk to Marcus, and I'm not, I'm just gonna casually bring it up during my lesson. I'm not gonna confront him or anything, but I'm gonna fix whatever he did to make her so upset. I walk to Raven's stall and start tacking him up. 

Once I got Raven tacked up I walked him over to the arena.  

"So, Marcus" 

"Yeah?" he seemed confused

"What did you do to Y/n?" I questioned

"I didn't do anything" 

"Well you did something to make her cry so much" I shot back, he looked down with his thinking face.

"Well... I mean Mia... did.... kinda kiss me yesterday, but I pushed away"

"She probably saw Mia kiss you then left, she didn't see what happened after that"

"Why am I so dumb" he scolded himself "What should I do?"

"Give her some space, talk to her tomorrow. As for the dumb part, some people are just born with it." I answered both his questions.

The Next Day 


I had spent all of yesterday crying and moping around. I'm planning on doing this same thing today. But, yeah, I don't have a but. I've just been wondering why I feel so weird about Mia kissing Marcus, we were just going to the dance as friends, right? I don't know, I'll worry about it tomorrow.

Marcus POV

Today I'm going to talk to Y/n, and clear things up about the whole Mia thing. And maybe ask her on a date, but that's besides the point. I'm just doing this to make up with a friend, right? Yeah, I guess, anyway I'm gonna go actually do this.

I walked over to Zoe's house, and started throwing rocks at her window until she opened it. 

"Go away" she yelled

"No, I'm not going away until you let me explain what happened at the dance"

"I don't wanna talk, to you or to anyone else" she yelled back, tears in her eyes.

"Just, just come down here, I just wanna talk, nothing else." I tried

"Fine" she gave in and started to come out of the house(through the door).

When she came out of her house she awkwardly walked over to me.

"I just wanted to tell you the other day at the dance, I didn't kiss Mia, she kissed me, and I pushed her off a second later anyway." 


"Yeah, so, I wanted to maybe.... go.... to the cafe with me tomorrow?" I tried, it wasn't good, but at least I tried. 

"U-uh sure" she said sounding like she was unsure, but smiled in the end.

"Ok, I guess I'll see you tomorrow around 11 am?"

"Y-yeah yeah sure" she responded, with that I left.

Sorry I'm late, went bike riding with my friends and lost track of time. Anyway have a great rest of your day/night, and take care of yourselves. 

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