Part one

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Spike arrived back in sunny dail late at night drunk as skunk and heart broken
.wanting nothing more than to be dead for real cause drewcila cheated on with another demon.he's still madly in love with her. he goes to the one person in Sunny dail that was actually nice to him even after she found out he was a vampire. When he gets to her club house it's a replica of the sander sin sisters house. Sees her in a cute but sexy pjs sleeping He looks her up and down licks and bites his lips thinking yummy. touched the door knob and door knocker and yells in pain and pulling his hands away sees knocker is a cross and door knob has cross in graved on it. He knocked on doors in panic s
When she opens door she puts both hands on mouth and gaps when he collapsed on ground landing in side.she pulled him in side shut locked door and closes black out blinds and curtains.she lays him on lounge chair on his back. The Gasps seeing his shirt has rips all over it. She strips him from waist up after she cleans him up she blushes a deep red seeing his very very noticeable six pack toned chest and musclier arms. She thinks in her head how incredibly hot he is. She wraps him up.When he wakes ups can't believe he's not burnt and dead and that she had patched him up.he gets up softly rubs her cheek think how beautiful she is She wakes up at ten. And asked him how he was feeling.opper her secret door with mini fridge and hands him large iced tea up full of blood telling him to drink. A little later he tells her what happened saying how he knows he's loves b****.
Spike: she wouldn't even kill me she just left like she didn't even care enough to cut my head head or set me on fire

Sosha( thinking I've never seen him so broken before)

Spike: is that to much to ask you know some little sign she cared so I said am not putting up with this anymore and she said fine

Sosha( sees tears in his eyes and down his cheeks fronds sadly at him)

Spike: and I said I have my own unlife you know then she said we could still be friends. Oh god am so unhappy

She just hugs him close rubbing his back rocking him feeling awful for him wondering why would anyone leave him for some ugly slime monster she shutters in her head just thinking about a slime monster and how ugly it probably is

Spike( tears ) make me a love potion so drewcila will love him again please I need her she's my everything.

Sosha: spike what your about to see my hurt am just warning you ok cause you may want to change your mind (walked to her caldron) show me drewcila please

Spike( started sobbing again when Sosha said his ex girlfriends name ( he gets up and followed her


Drewcila and her new boyfriend talking about spike and how he's gone soft and no longer the dangerous killer vampire she loved her and her new boyfriend should run away together and never look back.he kisses her hard hot

Sosha: ok stop

It stopped and goes back to its normal color changing glow. spike one hand over his mouth shaking his head can't believe his ex hates him so much.He grabbed bottle of whisky taking big swig of it.sosha sits next to him holding him close rubs his back
comforting him as he sobs drinking his pain away.she continued to comfort him till she had to go and get supplies from the magic shops and grocery and food. Spike grabs her arm asking her to wait and not to leave him. She rolls her eyes asking willow and Buffy to come not to freak out when they get here. It takes a twenty minutes for them to get in side there and five seconds to see a broken hollow looking spike. Sosha tells them to make sure he doesn't go through her things do something stupid while she's gone. she gets back a few hours later with food for every one. Buffy spike and willow oz and Xander. She smiles seeing them getting along.she gave everyone there favorite food. They just hanging out there all weekend. Sosha puts crosses locked every thing she didn't want spike getting into.the next day Every one keeps spike a secret from every one.and every night spike goes to the demon bar and drinks his pain away and getting drunk. sosaha made healing spikes broken and hollow heart her mission. She made  the love spell for spike a while ago.  to give to his ex.he can't believe she's being so nice and kind to him. He changed his mind about the spell and about leaving. Liked every being so nice to him. It's been a few months and spike is ones again loves b**** but for Sosha.He tells his new friends what he is again Buffy and willow cover there mouths screaming happily and jumping up and down. Spike goes online to order nice things and so very pretty paper pretty envelopes.wax and wax seals. He's all so Bin soasha version of angel and coming to save her when she needs it. and keeping her safe. Sosha has no idea who's been leaving love letters nice things and goodies in her mailbox. It's been going on for weeks and it's driving her crazy not knowing who her secret admirer is.her sister and her mean friends are very jealous of her while she has a secret admirer and they don't. Only Buffy willow and oz know it's spike.

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