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Spike and sosha were playing slayer and he has his shirt off. spikes favorite part of playing sayer his when he does a sneak attack holding her form be hind. she loves his back words hugs cause she can feel all his muscles on her back but she'd never admit to it. spike smirks every time cause he hears her heart rate go up. He kisses her cheek or licks her neck.And to punish her for get caught so easily he sinks his fangs in her neck hard feeds off her like in a real fight. And doesn't let her go till she passes out from blood loss. tHe also likes jumping out and holding lifting her up and spinning around pining her to wall and kissing her she kisses back. When she's not around or goes on trips 
Spike finds way to blow off some steam by beating men the lowest of the low the scum of the earth.and gives them to his vampire buddy's  to finish off doesn't mean for to be like that he just  happens to need to blow of some steam  at the right time and place.women aren't afraid of him cause he saves them with out meaning to he takes all the money and jewelry the guy stole from his victims. snd keeps it in lock box. Spike hadn't fed in many days and looked very sick. soaha was on school trip and he promised him self he'd only feed off her.So angel gave spike pigs blood to drink. But spike tells him  sosha's blood tastes better And he'd murder any vampire but him  that he smelled on her. Spike is in Sosha's room laying on her bed his picture frame still on and on the night stand standing up making him smirk he holds her pillow close to his nose breathing deeply through it moans pretending it's her he and holding wishing it was her he was holding.and wishing could feed off her as she moans holding him with her clawing his back cause he's holding her so tight and biting so hard.Angel goes up stairs to see spike fast a sleep in sosha's room on her bed witch makes him really angry till he sees spike has  red puff eyes and tear stains on his cheeks. He not as mad as he was spike gasps and jolts  wake chest heaving but no breath from having nightmare of sosha leaving him for some loser. yelling sosha please don't leave me. Angel  gets fuming mad again.Dragging spike out the door and out of the house but not before spike was able to steal another pear of her underwear and a picture and putting them in his pocket of his trench coat.
He's hears a scream and saw a man chase a girl. spike had pretty good idea of what the guy was planning.he beat the guy and gave him to homeless vampires  and stole his money.He did that with a lot a of men.every one wonders how fast the lowest of the low made it on the news about be dead two days after being on the news of what they did.He keeps the money in a lock box saving it for some  nice things for soaha. He has a lot now cause. he steals all the money from Rich and powerful who take what they want and think they can get away with it.he takes there wallet and ( he has mind powers like Dracula ) credit cards make them put money sosha's card and  gives them a scare first beats them and gives them to hungry vampires to finish off. Sosha gets back a few days later and runs to spike hugging and snuggling him close. when they get in Oz's van.Spike gets vampire face hisses and sinks his fangs in her neck feeding from her neck hard starving his eyes roll to back of his head trembling moans loudly slowly falling back holding her She gasps form bite and moans from spike sucking her neck.Then rolled on his back.she claws his back trembling under him moaning and whispering his name.hes holding he so tight his eyes roll to back of his head even farther and moans louder as she claws his back  he starts drinking harder pulling her close he stops licks fang marks clean.she gave a very shaky gasp and breathing heavy. They get to the summers house to Sosha's room taking a nap he wakes up first. pulled  her top and bra looks down and groans and shiver all most drooling. Just from that little peek.he carefully lifted her shirt bra all the way up he just Stares them and swallows hard shivers groans loudly all most drooling.Gave them one good squeeze and buds one good pinch he groans and shivers again than covered them up  thinking to him self if he was human  and William he'd have fainted hard at just the thought of look down her shirt.knowing Williams brain couldn't handle even the thought yet with out his brain shutting down completely.later sosha wakes up and he can can tell how stressed out she is.he gets behind and started rubbing her shoulder saying how she so stressed out let him help and she should just relax. oh your so stressed out. Continues rubbing her shoulders. Just relax ok you don't need to get stressed out.ok just relaxcause your so stressed out.let the big bad help you relax. Your so tense just relax. Rubs her shoulders a little harder

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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