Part 3

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Spikes chapter

Spike was was in sosha's room sitting on her bed holding her sweater to his nose breathing deeply through his nose and moans as he takes in her sent eyes in back of his head.
Daydreaming  he was holding her close her on his lap as he feeds from her neck with her hands all over him.

Spike( sits on Sosha's bed holding Sosha's sweater to his nose breaths in deeply through his nose taking in her sent eyes behind his head moans)

Riley( looking for sosha to ask her for her help Buffy but finds spike sniffing her sweater)

Spike ( hides it be hind his back)

Riley: we're you sniffing the sweater of Sosha who I see as my sister

Spike: what no ok I was it's a predator thing ( smells it ) that's the stuff bitter sweet

Riley getting mad takes her favorite sweater grabbed him pulling him out of her room hard but not before he's able to quickly snag a pear of her underwear hides them in pocket of his trench coat  as Riley drags him down the stairs and shoves him out door with a blanket then shuts door
Sosha has been really mean to spike and flitting with with other guys causes she mad at her self for loving a vampire.hoping if she's mean to him. and just flirts and does just date then go separate ways and hanging out at parties clubs. Hopping Her feelings will go away.evey time spike sees
This he growls get mad and jealous.he waits for her to look then he would whisper things in girls ear.  all most every girl he did that with. would giggle and dance with him and against him.but one pushed him out the window braking it and the wood. every one knew no ordinary girl could do that so. they back away spike found out who made the robot girl and were he lives.  he gave him box saying he wanted one like this.telling him it better be bloody good one to and. Call him when she's he gets the call he heads there as soon as he's there he sees her his checks her out chest heaving. looking at her. Ask if he add every thing he wanted. They tells him he'll be happy and maybe better than then the real thing. The guy goe to leave but spike stopped him saying he not sure he a happy customer saying she doesn't look right like The real thing. It turns on as she's one runs to him saying he is the best and kisses him he's shock it felt so real when he pulls away chest heaving like hes nervous and  try  to catch his breath saying she'll do breathlessly.when he's back in his crypt with her she acts like she's trying to stake him.witch he did with the real Sosha to help her practice and get all most as good as Buffy. It took everything he had not kiss her every time he had her back again him So he would tell her to think her way out of his grip or look for new angle.he would clap for her every time she got better. But with the robot he doesn't have to let go cause she's programmed to love when he holds her like that. She shoved him and he lands on bed and she's on top of him with fake wooden stake at his heart he throws it and rolls off bed pining her down a forcefully kisses her then bites and nips her her neck softly and sucks spot but frowned gets up and turned her off get really sad cause he can't feed off it he needed to feed witch makes him sadder he doesn't get to her her gasp and moan like the real one and it smell like the real one does or get nervous and doesn't giggle like sosha does when pokes her or struggle to get free but can't so he can laugh at her in a teasing way not a mean way when she gives up or say ok you win.  goes to willow after he gets a lager bottle  fire ball whisky when he get to willows oz is there playing a song her. Willow sees spike at her window looking completely broken in side he walked in cause he's allowed in willow and oz look at each other knowing what's wrong and comfort spike as he sobs and takes lager swings of whiskey saying how he's so unhappy and wishing he was dead. and wishing he could tell soaha his feelings. After they comfort him and give him a pep talk about how they know he can do it .he looks up saying your he's going to do what he should have done in the first place find her were ever she is tie her up force her listen to him. Saying how loves a funny thing.Oz willow look at each other and blink like what just happened then the eyes go wide realize he's serious.They stop him  yelling doing the last part is a bad idea. They tell him all the junk food and sweets sosha loves.And flowers but get fabric ones and make them smell like all her favorite sents.he doesn't like it but goes with their everything they said she like.the very next day goes looking for her and finds her her house at the summers snuggling another guy. It brakes his heart he's about to run till he smells some thing coming from the guy and it isn't love  his  jealousy and protective side  get the best of him he stormed him hides everything under table in hall way grabs guy by his shirt the held him by his neck hard against the wall. Sosha gasps getting really mad till she hears spike say he doesn't smell love coming form him what he smells come from skin is something dirty and can see it in his eyes that he was planning something. He tells the guy if he ever smells him on sosha or near her club or the summers house he will not hesitate to kill him and wont be quick ether  the guy swallowed hard then runs after spike open door and throws him out harder.he looks at soaha checking if he hurt her.

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