Chapter 8

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The location was really out in the middle of nowhere though lots of trees before a gravel road that had some clear area so you could definitely tell when someone was approaching. The area was also fenced off and had a big metal gate that was manned by two young looking guys with guns. I gulped looking at the guy beside me and cursed my stupid luck, I wasn't sure why this kind of life had to keep drawing me in, what about little 5'2 me that was 17 was so damn attractive to this criminal life. Bikers although unruly and more drunken sexual escapades had to be better than mafia family that I had been hiding from previously. They tended to be more crude and Neanderthals' but at least their motives were easy to understand and not so secretive but both societies basically kept the business' from their women and didn't treat them with the same respect that I found women deserved. Women were strong and capable and not including them in these things is what I found was holding so many of these men back in life. But that probably wasn't a bad thing since they were stuck in whatever small section of the world that they figured they owned. Now if a man and woman teamed up properly they would be unstoppable if they had the ambition. 

The guys at the gate made me roll down my window and the passenger window and looked in before letting me through but they didn't speak to me. I could see walkie-talkie radios on their belt loops and after we went through one of them spoke on it. I pulled up to what I assumed was the main building since it was the biggest and most forward of them and had a couple of guys standing outside of it. I barely got it into park when a few of them were running to the car pulling the guy out of the car and yelling over top of each other. They carried him into the house and I just sat there for a split second unsure of what the hell I was supposed to do now. "Blayze?" A big burly guy came over to the car. 

"Who are you?" I demanded wondering why anyone here would know my name surely Aria wouldn't have told them that. 

"Calm down, I'm Crow Aria's man. Why don't you come and sit inside this is probably going to take awhile and they have direct orders that you aren't to leave until either doc says you can or prez wakes up and says you can leave. Gonna have some questions that you are going to need to answer for us." He held his hands up in surrender like he wasn't trying to intimidate me or come off threatening. 

"I don't know anything I found him on the side of the road and he demanded no hospitals before he passed out. Before he passed out he was going to call someone named doc or a doctor or something and he recognized Aria who is in the background picture of my phone. I don't understand why I have to stay if he lives or dies that  isn't up to me I did my best and got him here as fast as I could after I talked to Aria. Just get his damn bike out of my trailer and I wont even make him pay for the cleaning fees that I will have for getting his blood out of my new SUV seats!" I yelled at him, I didn't care if this was the wrong impression I was giving Aria's boyfriend but he was a part of this life and a part of my problem right now and I just wanted to leave and go somewhere that I could feel safe. 

I was a complete outsider here and they could do nothing to me and other than Aria who was already stuck in the middle of this life no one would know I was here. Although there was really no one else that would bother to go looking for me anyways. I didn't think they would hurt the kids though so I had hope for that at least. "Come on Aria will be here soon and its a lot more comfortable to wait inside." He prodded again. 

"Whatever, as soon as he's awake I am leaving you can't just keep me here." I said getting out. 

I immediately went to get the kids out of the back seat which had someone yelling and I could see them grabbing for a gun. "Wow, wow everyone calm down." Crow yelled holding his hands up. 

I had screamed what the fuck when the gun had come out, which probably wasn't quite a normal response since the guys that werent shooting me death glares were looking at me funny. "I am just getting my kids out of the back unless you expect me to leave them in the car?!" I demanded. 

"Right," Crow rubbed the back of his neck. "Aria mentioned you were a mom, you just look so young kind of forgot about that." He turned to the guy holding the gun. "Cheese, put the gun away she just want's to get her kids out of the car." 

"She better move slowly than, I don't trust her seems a little too convenient that Aria knows her and she finds prez all shot up and just happens to stop and help him. Plus she's looking at my gun like she's been around them a lot not like some innocent little PTA mom." Cheese snarled at me giving me the look like I was some kind of snake in the grass that he wanted to stomp with his boot. 

"Oh fuck off, I am a new mom and my business' is just that mine so back the fuck off and get that gun off of me or you better pray you have good aim cause if you miss you will also be missing your balls." I growled at him ready for a fight. 

"Well our guest sure has some fire in her. Calm down sugar no one is going to be shooting at you." A really good looking guy came out of the house, his presence alone seemed to calm the men around me down quite a lot. "Cheese go find something better to do than harassing this pretty little thing. the rest of you get the prez's bike out of the back of the trailer, except you Crow you help her with the kids and anything she needs to bring in." 

I took Talia out first and the diaper bag, and moved around to grab Thane and another bag hoping that would be all I needed for the two until they would let me out of here. Crow moved forward to help but I took a step back still not trusting him. "Stay the hell away from my kids." I warned him, the promise of pain was evident in my glare and made him back away hands raised again. 

"Just was going to offer to help, do you want me to take a bag or something?" He asked sounding surprised. 

"Nope I can do it on my own show me an area that I can be with my kids without assholes and half dressed women around." I demanded even though I was probably in no position to be bossing anyone around. 

I had seen the women hovering by the door one had tried to come out but was immediately shooed away. They looked half strung out and the clothing was not something one should be wearing around children. "Just let her carry it herself, she doesn't have to accept our help if she wants to be stubborn and struggle on her own we cant force her to allow us to help." The guy that had told everyone what to do shook his head at Crow who looked like he wanted to say something else. 

"You sure Ryder?" Crow asked him instead turning away from me.

"Yup come on the three of you can stay in one of the guest rooms it should be clean enough." He didn't sound all that convincing. I made sure that Thane was turned towards me so he didn't see what was going on around us, mostly it was just people drinking but in the one corner a game of strip poker was going on and some guy was getting a lap dance and someone else looked well I just turned away not wanting to know what the hell they were doing. "Come on princess don't worry just by being here isn't going to taint you." 

"My name is Blayze don't ever fucking call me princess. I'm more worried about my kids and the diseases this place has." I snarled at him. 

"Whatever you say sugar, we were celebrating before we got the news of prez. But this is pretty tame around here since our partying was cut short." He smirked at me. 

"Whatever it's your life, the sooner that I can get out of here the happier I am sure we will all be." I acted flippant even though on the inside I really was feeling so anxious.  

"Here you go, Crow keep an eye on her no one else is allowed in except Aria but I want to talk with her before she comes here understood." He gave Crow a look that had silent communication written all over it. 

"You got it VP." Crow nodded sounding like a soldier instead of a biker, it made me think he had military training and I wasn't going to be able to slip past him especially with two little kids. 

Ryder turned away but quickly turned back getting way to close to me. "Almost forgot, don't want you getting any ideas about leaving. Just let crow know if you need anything else from the SUV and someone will be able to get it for you." He let me know while snatching the keys out of my pants pocket. 

I stared at him in disbelief, he winked at me and walked away and the murderous rage inside me wanted to bubble up but he was already out of sight and I had no one to unleash it on. Crow was my best bet at some kind of ally since he was Aria's boyfriend he couldn't be some soulless asshole so I just needed him to see things my way and I figured in no time once Aria got here we would be able to convince him to let me and the kids go. 

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