Chapter 2

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By the time I made it to the hospital the sun was blinding and it seemed like such a nice day for being out but the dread that pooled in the bottom of my stomach made me hate today. I took my helmet off and shook out my hair, taking a few calming breaths I made my way towards the doors of the hospital unsure of where exactly I needed to go I figured the information desk would be my best bet. "Hi my name is Blayze Devereux I am supposed to be meeting an officer Parks here, in regards to my two half sibling being brought in." I told the elderly woman sitting behind the desk who was lazily typing away at the computer. 

"Pediatric ward, floor three." She responded without even looking up at me. 

"Thanks." I tried to hold the sarcasm back but she finally looked up just to glare at me. 

I rolled my eyes and headed towards the elevator, I even thought about taking the stairs just so it would take me longer. I hated hospitals and I wanted to turn around and run change my number and not come back. But I pushed myself forward and continued on, pushing the 3 in the elevator and feeling my heart beat in my chest. It sounded so loud to my own ears I wondered if it elevated enough if it would beat right out of my chest, at least if my anxiety got out of hand and i passed out I was in the right place to be treated. 

I walked up to another desk but at least this time the nurse that was seated there was young and looked up at me as soon as I walked towards her. "How can I help you?" She asked smiling almost radiating happiness which seemed so out of place for a hospital. 

"My name is Blayze Devereux, I am supposed to be meeting an Officer Parks in regards to my two half siblings that are supposed to be here?" I questioned her and she had a strange look cross her face. 

"Yes just give me a second and I will be right back." She hurried off around a side hallway before I could even respond. 

I waited for a few minutes and started to get a little annoyed, honestly the longer I waited the more tempted I was to just turn around and walk away. I didn't need to be wasting my time on this and my skin felt like it was crawling every time I heard one of the call bells go off or a machine beep. I hated the thought of anyone hurting and knowing this was a pediatric ward just did nothing for my nerves at all. I was about to say fuck it and try to call the number that the officer had called me with earlier when the nurse finally made her way back to the front desk followed by an officer who looked like he should be retired already and a woman who wore a suit that looked like it had been slept in and she looked pissed and bored all at the same time. 

"Miss. Devereux?" The officer asked once they got closer to me. 


"Jesus christ you don't even look older than an 11 year old." I heard him mutter even though it was quiet it wasn't quiet enough that everyone around him wouldn't hear. 

I rolled my eyes I was young looking but I definitely didn't look like I was 11, I was petite but at 5'2 I was only inches shorter than the average female and my boots added at least an inch of height. And my boobs were definitely bigger than that of an 11 year old. " Miss. Devereux, I  am Mrs. Clarke I am the social worker that has been assigned to your brother and sister. We just have to wait for the nurse in charge of your siblings and than we can get started." The woman said in all business' tone. 

"Okay, not to be rude but now that I am here and the social worker is in charge of this case why is there a need for the police to be here?" I didn't like the feeling that I was getting from Officer Parks and the sooner I could get rid of him the happier I would be. 

Right after I was speaking his walkie talkie went off and he responded in some kind of code that I didn't even bother to try to understand. "Your right I actually need to go back to work, Miss. Devereux hopefully we wont be running into each other again. Your mothers personal affects have been left in your brothers room if you need anything Mrs. Clarke should be able to help you if not you can call the precinct and when an officer has time someone should be able to help you. " He glared at me and than shuffled away moving at a pace that made me wonder how many perps he lost since there was no way he would be able to chase after anyone. 

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