Chapter 1

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I was in the middle of a run when I could feel my apple watch going off letting me know that I had a call coming in. Figuring it could wait I just hit the ignore and kept running, but as soon as that call ended someone called right back. I sighed stopping my run and answered the call. "Hello?" I answered sounding only slightly out of breath but it still probably didn't sound that great. 

"Is this Miss. Blayze Devereux?" An male voice asked sounding slightly annoyed. 

"Yes, who is this?" I looked to see if I could see the number.

"My name is officer Parks I am with the Greensville police department, we have been looking to reach you for the past two days. I regret to inform you but your mother and step father have passed away." Although he said the word regret he sounded more pissed of than you would expect of someone offering their condolences.

"Right well thanks for the call but I have legally been emancipated since I was 14 and I have a zero contact restraining order. I had no idea she was married but if that was the case his family can take care of all the arrangements for the two of them or it falls upon the city because as far as I'm concerned that woman was none of my business'." I really felt like hanging up and wished that I had just ignored the phone call.

"Be that as it may you have a 2 year old brother and a 2 day old sister who you are listed as next of kin and pseudo guardian. We need you to come to the hospital and either sign away your rights to social services or decide to take them in. I see here in your file that you are still only 17 so no one would blame you if you didn't want this responsibility clearly you didn't have the best relationship with your mother but legally you have to do something about your siblings. If you choose to sign away your rights the two will be entered into the foster care system and that is already over run with children. Your siblings will probably be separated and with your sisters entrance into this world she could potentially have some medical issues and due to medical history of the mother during pregnancy she is a high risk baby so not many potential adopters will want her. Your brother is young but that age is very psychologically hard to place as well and they usually do best with family members. But either way the decision is yours." Officer parks rambled on just making me even angrier. 

"Right thank you for delivering the message. I was in the middle of the run so I need to go home and shower and I live three hours away from Greensville so once i have showered I will head there. I'll see you in just under four hours at the hospital." I wanted to just cut him off and put an end to this conversation. 

"Very well make sure you bring legal identification. "He muttered something else that I didn't quite catch but at this point I just wanted to be done with the whole matter.

"Of course, see you in a few hours officer." I hung up quickly and just stared at my surroundings for a few minutes trying to process what the hell just happened. 

I hadn't had anything to do with my mother in the last 3 almost four years and now this it just seemed completely surreal. I knew she was into drugs and stuff before it was one of the things that made leaving so easy. She wasn't supposed to be able to have more children, she had always complained about that and blamed me for ruining her body. The doctors had told her that her life would seriously be at risk if she was ever to get pregnant again and she was suppose to have a surgery take care of that so it would never be an issue. It wouldn't have cost her anything because it was a health risk so I wasn't sure how it was possible that i had one sibling little own two. 

Shaking my head since my thoughts just kept going round and round and I wasn't really going anywhere I decided to run back to my apartment and take a shower. Usually I could think better in the shower and I hoped that time would help me to come to some kind of conclusion or maybe even decide how I should feel about this situation. 

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