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A knock fills the silence in the daycare, making the extremely tired Y/N jolt up in surprise. "mmhmm....." She groans and groggily gets up. she rubs her eyes sleepy and walks up to the door. With a swipe of her hand, the wood-based door opens gently, "Yes???" she asks weakly.

"You seem tired." Xiao says bluntly, "Was that obvious?" Y/N chuckles with a tired smile. "I'll get straight to the point. Doctor Baizhu lended me money and said to go treat you to a meal or something as repayment for taking care of Qiqi."

you blink curiously. "Isn't Doctor Baizhu that one fruity doctor that everyone in Liyue simps for? man's rizz."

"I have no idea of this mortal concept you call "rizz" but im assuming that's a good trait."

The sleepy Gardener yawns with a small nod. "Anyways, if you're taking me out to a date, at least wake me up later?"

"Its three PM."



"Alright! im ready!" Y/N exclaims happily as she steps out of her small cottage, coffee in hand. "I cant function without coffee and yet; its seems to destroy me... anyway! where we goin?"

"You seem strangely upbeat today." Xiao comments, ignoring her question.

"Haha, its just that babysitting a grown man and two children is kinda stressful for me..." The dendro user rubs the back of her head with a nervous grin.

Xiao starts walking along with

"A grown man???"

"hhhh, yeahh... kusanali, or as she prefers i call her, nahida, stopped by and dropped the electro archon's son off at my dacare....."

"The electro archon had a son???"

"Thats what i was saying!!" She throws her arms up into the air. the coffee, unfortunately, spills out of the cup. "awh man.."

The two of you arrive at Wangshu Inn.

The sun was ontop of both their heads as they made their way to the elevator. "Soo, why Wangshu Inn?" Y/N asks curiously. "I live here."

"Oh, soo.. Adeptus Xiao? is the Adeptus part a nickname or are you actually an Adeptus?" Xiao blinks before answering, "No need for formalities, Xiao is fine. Also, i am an actually adeptus."

"Oh, damn you're a hot adeptus." Y/N says with a smirk. (She was tired and weirdly bold; This is a common occurence.)

The adeptus' cheeks turn beet red as he takes in what the Gardener had just said. "I- what!? you have no respect for the adepti."

"I only have respect for you~"
Y/N winks at the already flushed man. Xiao lets out a thorough sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Is the mortal concept they call "flirting"..?" Y/N nods. "Only for you, bae."



"Im sorry, i did WHAT!?" After
Y/N got out of the weirdly flirty haze they got some tea. and long story short; Xiao told her everything.

"Oh archons... i am SO sorry..."
Y/N looks down in shame.

Xiao nods without saying a word as he munches on his Almond Tofu. He swallows and then speaks, "You're a starnge mortal."

"You sound like someone."

Xiao raises a brow. "Who?"

"Secret." She sips her tea and looks at the ground below her.

i wonder what's the best way to fall with breaking the least amount of bones...

She thinks but the adeptus' voice snaps her out of her thoughts.
"I... i know a place you might like..." he mutters out while averting his gaze. he seems almost hesistant to bring this up.

"Oh? really?" The gardener tilts her head. Xiao nods and stands up, extanding his hand. "Take my hand."

"Okay!!" Y/N takes his hand and Xiao teleports them to mount hulao.

The sun had just set and the stars in the sky were starting to pop up.

"Ooo, pretty..." The gardener sits down on the grass as she looks up at the sky.

"Kinda makes me wanna fall asleep.." she rests her head on a fluffy bush as her eyes start to close. "Dont fall aslee-" Xiao turns around just tp find the gardener dozing off. He groans and pinches the bridfe of his nose.

A soft glows starts to emit fron the bush, confusing the adeptus.

Suddenly, large F/C flowers sprout from the bush, sprouting everywhere except underneath the girl.

The adeptus seems starstruck.

As he looks closer; he notices the astounding beauty of Y/N. her flawless face, no blemishes found. her vibrant H/C hair that glows under the soft moonlight. She smells of the sweetest of sweet flowers.

He gets lost in the absoulute beauty of Y/N; of... you...

A soft mumble of the word: "Bombs..." leaves the lips of the dendro-user, snapping Xiao out of his thoughts. Without another thought, he picks the sleeping woman up and teleports away in a flash of green and black.


As he lands in the door stap of the daycare, he opens the door.

Cecilia, Flytrap, and many others, who were waiting to attack any intruders, stop and freeze in place as they see you sleeping and the teal-haired man. who they call "scary grasshopper".

Xiao places her down on her bed with a soft (thump) sound. he tucks her in and leaves silently.

In Y/N's dreams

"Huahua!!im here to face you, il dottore!" I say with a wide grin.

"Oh? how can you face me.. if you.... Have no pants!?" (Dramatic thunder.)

"(Gasp) Nooo!!" I cover my patootie with both my hands. "Mwahahahha!!" dottore strikes me with a sword and i fall to my knees in a mess of cries.


"Wait..." I stroke my chin as i think. "I do have pants! you're the one that doesnt have pants!!" I point at dottore accusingly.

dottore gasp and start to sob uncontrollably. "WAHHHHH WAHHH."

"Hehe!! Fuck off dottore!! and remember, kids! an apple a day keeps the doctor away! also remember to use bombs when you wanna kill dottore..."

loud claps and cheers can be heard as the dream fades to black.

today was a nice day.


The dream was heavily inspired by atla lol

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