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Ah yes, Saturdays. Y/N's day off from taking care of children, Plants, and Wanderer. She lazily plops down onto her comfy couch, not expecting to do much on saturday.

After a while of staring into nothing, she hears a knock on her door and goes to answer it.

She opens the door to reveal a certain blond male and his destructive little sister. "Oh, Albedo! i wasn't expecting to see you today. Do you need anything?" Y/N asks, "I-" The alchemist opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by Klee. "Mr. Albedo wanted to invite Ms. Y/N to go shopping for Klee's bomb materials!!" She exclaims with a wide grin, which makes
Y/N smile as well at her behavior. "Now, now, Klee. Its not polite to interrupt others while speaking. But- you can do it if they're really bad and evil guys! like the mean Fatui!"

"Oh, Okay!!" The arsonist nods happily. "So, Albedo, You're inviting me to go shopping for Klee's bomb materials?" The gardener inquires, To which he nods at. "Okay then! Just let ne get ready for a minute-" And with that, Y/N rushes back into the cottage. Exactly a minute later, Y/N comes outside again, Dressed and ready with her vision hanging off a pendant that resembles the Sumeru Vision capsule-thing.

"Im ready, lets go."

Albedo, Klee, and Y/N start to walk to Mondstadt, chatting and occasionally stopping so Klee could blow something up.

When they finally arrive, the two guards stationed there greet the three and let them pass. As they walk along the city of freedom Y/N questions,
"So, where are we gonna get these bomb materials you speak of?" She turns to Albedo, To which Albedo replies to with a neutral expression. "Ah, We usually get them in a more quiet and less crowded part of the city."

Thats sketchy. Y/N thinks to herself.

"Okay." The Dendro-user decides not to question it and just go along with the two siblings.


They arive at shady area in Mondstadt. The houses and buildings completely block out any sunlight so it looks damp and dark. Mushrooms are growing almist everywhere and all the walls are stone bricks.

They continue walking until Albedo and Klee stop at a very shady looking store, Causing Y/N to stop out of skepticism and peer-pressure. "Uhh... are you two sure this is the right place?"

"Hm..." Albedo ponders for he right answer before speaking, "Its in the same location, yet, its seems less flashy than it used to be..." Klee then suddenly speaks up. "The shop looks easier to explode." Her tone seems so monotone for the actual Klee to be saying it that Y/N struggles to resist letting out a tiny "pfft". 

Albedo is the first to step forward and enter the shop. Though even he was suspicious, he went forward nevertheless. The ring of the bell on the door reverberated throughout the petite shop as Y/N and Klee followed Albedo, Albeit a bit reluctant.

The shop was dark and lit by a single candle on the reception desk. "Welcome, Welcome." The voice of a lady greeted the trio. Though, her voice was a bit deeper than Albedo had remembered. "Mrs. Ophelia?" Albedo called out, her face was shaded so the three Vision wielders couldnt really see it. "Ah, Alfredo."

"Mrs. Ophelia its Albedo..." Albedo muttered. Okay, there was no hiding it. This store his definitely isnt the right store. "Mr. Albedo... Mrs. Ophelia's voice sounds darker than usual!!" Klee admits.

"Ophelia" sighs. "I guess there's no use in pretending now."

A click is heard before a handful of gorgeous lights light up the room. "Im not Ophelia, My name is Cassidy. Ophelia moved to a brighter part of Mondstadt and now she legally sells bomb materials... and the reason why you see the store as being smaller is because she brought the shack with her. all i bought was the property." The fake Ophelia, now known as Cassidy, sighs through her nose.

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