~ 1 ; Is That You? ~

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Sal fucking hated zombies. They're walking corpses that are actively decaying yet are still walking. But that wasn't Sal's first concern right now. His first concern was "where is Travis?"

When this whole apocalypse thing started, Sal and Travis were separated because of Larry. How? With their first encounter with a zombie, Larry immediately pulled Sal away and started running. Which left Travis behind. When Sal looked back to see if he was following them... He wasn't there. He wasn't even where they just were, neither was the zombie.

Ever since then Sal was determined to find Travis, no matter what. If they found him and he was turned, he was going to trap him and figure out a cure to bring him back.

"Sal!! Come on, we're getting a group together to go find food!!" Ashley yelled from downstairs. "Coming!!" Sal called back. He got out of his chair, looking at all the notes and maps to find Travis before leaving his room and going downstairs.

"Trying to find Phelps again?" Larry said, taking his headphones off. "Sal... He's probably dead by now, or turned, I mean it's been 2 years..." Ashley added. "So? He could still be out there! You two know him well, you know he's always been prepared for this!" Sal said, grabbing his bow and gun. "And do we have to bring the dog..?" Sal added after a second, keeping his distance from the German Shepherd that was in the room.

"Yes, he can help protect us." Ashley chuckled a little, petting the dog on the head. They had found the dog a few months ago on one of their patrols, Sal was completely against the idea of keeping a dog with them, because of his experience with dogs... But Ashley insisted and well now they're here. They decided to name the dog Rover. He apparently used to be a military dog.

Sal, Ashley, Todd and Neil all left the building the group was staying in, walking left instead of right like last time. They almost died by going right. Ashley was leading the group, Todd and Neil were in the middle, Sal was at the back with the dog. "Why did I have to get stuck with you...?" He asked while looking at Rover, who looked up at him and rolled his eyes. "Jesus you're just like Gizmo, all sassy and human like." Rover growled slightly. "Sorry sorry- don't compare you to a cat- got it..."

The group got to a store that had been abandoned since the apocalypse started, walking in and being silent. "Sal, you take Rover to the pet section, he's out of food. And so is Gizmo." Ashley said, holding a spear in her hands. "I know..." Sal groaned, taking Rover to the pet section like Ashley said.

"I'm surprised you haven't bit me yet." Rover gave Sal a look of "i really want to", despite being a dog Sal knew what he meant. "Wow, harsh much?" Sal giggled slightly.

He started looking through the different dog foods, letting Rover pick which one he wanted, and of course got him a dog bone as well... Have to get him to like Sal you know?

Sal was looking through the cat stuff, then felt a hand on his shoulder. He whipped around, basically back handing whoever the fuck touched him and pulled out his gun.

The person staggered back, holding its face and keeping its head down. It looked like like it was decaying so it couldn't be a human, but it was too balanced to be a zombie... "Who are you?" Sal asked sternly, keeping his gun pointed at whoever it was. Rover was in a "ready to bite and possibly kill" positioned with his teeth bared and growling.

The person grumbled something, though it was hard to hear. They lifted their head, making it easier to see the obviously bleached hair and dark skin. It started to look too familiar...

"Travis..?" Sal immediately put his gun away, going over to Travis and getting him to stand straight. "Jesus you look horrible..." "Wow... Good way to reunite..." "Sorry-" Travis smiled at Sal, then hugged him. He looked tired, and half dead, it was hard to tell if that was from how tired he was or if he was bit. Sal hoped to God he didn't get bit.

Rover was still on edge but calmed down, walking over to Travis and sniffing him. His ears immediately went up. "What's wrong?" Sal asked, looking at the dog who was know scanning every inch of Travis' body, whining when he found what was wrong.

"Oh my fucking god- Travis you've been bit!" Sal exclaimed, "Thanks captain obvious.. I know..." Travis groaned as he moved to sit down, Sal of course followed. "Why haven't you done anything about it?!" "I couldn't, father didn't have jack shit to help zombie bites... So I've been dragging my half dead body around to find something..." "When did this happen..?" "Fuck I don't know... Maybe 2 hours ago..?"

Sal lifted Travis' pant leg up a bit to look at the bite mark. "It looks like it's only an hour old, maybe less. You're lucky I found you... Well, you found me." Travis chuckled dryly. Sal grabbed a bandage from his bag, wrapping it around the bitten area and pulling Travis' pant leg back down.

They both got up, Sal was helping Travis stay up, Rover was on the other side to try to help. He was actually helping quite well. They made their way to the rest of the group, who were standing by the entrance waiting for Sal. "Oh my gods, is that Travis?!" Todd said with a gasp, immediately rushing over to them. "What happened?" "He got bit maybe 50 minutes ago, it's hard to tell. But we need to get him patched ASAP." "We can't patch him here, those zombies will come by any minute, it's already getting dark." Neil spoke up, getting Rover to move and helped Sal keep Travis standing.

"If I die like this I'm going to fist fight god.." Travis mumbled. He did not want to die like this when he finally found Sal. "You're not gonna die, Trav. We've got you now." Travis smiled at Sal, he wasn't wearing his prosthetic, instead he was wearing a black medical mask so he could breath a bit better.


The five of them got back to the building Sal and his gang we're staying in. "Holy shit he's actually alive!" Larry said from the kitchen when he saw the mangled body of Travis walk in. "I told you!!" "But what the fuck happened to him?" "He got bit, thankfully not that long ago so we won't have to amputate his leg." Travis said down on the couch, groaning a bit every now and then.

Rover hopped up beside Travis, laying down with his head in his lap and looking up at him. Travis smiled, gently petting the dog. He never really liked dogs, mostly because they reminded him of his father's cult mask. And he hated that thing. But this dog was okay, he like him.

Now that Sal was looking at Travis in the light, the reason he looked like he was decaying was because of the dirt and grime on him, and the makeup he used to blend in with zombies. It was impressive, really. "Okay Travis I need you to stay awake for me, okay?" Sal said, holding Travis' face in his hands. "Mhm..." He responded tiredly, closing his eyes. "No no stay awake! Not go to sleep-!" "Sorry..." Travis mumbled before passing out.

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"Our last times." { Salvis apocalypse au }Where stories live. Discover now