~ 4 ; I'm Sorry, Mein Schatz. ~

43 2 19

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Sal hugged Travis tightly, starting to sob into his shoulder. "No! You can't be! You SHOULDN'T be!" He cried. Travis hugged back weakly, fighting the urge to claw Sal to shreds. He was unfortunately already getting the urges to kill everyone in the building, thankfully they just started so he was able to control them.

Travis gently rubbed Sals back. "I'm sorry, Mein Schatz... Todd's trying to find a cure..." He spoke softly, placing a small kiss on Sals temple. "I'll be okay... Todd will figure it out. He always does." He said with a small smile, cupping Sals cheeks. "O-okay... Promise me everything will be okay..?" Sal mumbled, sniffling a bit while wiping his working eye. "I promise, my love." Travis said with a small nod.

Sal smiled a bit, hugging Travis again and holding him close. Travis smiled, relaxing in the warmth of Sals body. His body had been so so cold since he was bit, that should've been a sign that he was turning. He didn't notice it, however.

Sal layed back, having Travis on top of him and playing with his hair to keep both of them calm. "... What if I hurt you..? Or the others..? They'll kill me...!" Travis said, more panic in his voice then before. "I'll make sure they don't... Though, if you do hurt anyone... We'll have to lock you up till we can get a cure..." Sal replied in a soft tone. "Lock me up..?" Travis mumbled. "Mhm... Unfortunately that's what we'll have to do to make sure you and everyone stay safe.." Sal said.


Sal and Travis were laying on the couch, watching TV. Though the lights were turned off so it didn't give Travis any headaches. Travis was so close to falling asleep, but he refused to sleep until the show ended because he really liked this show.

After a while of them watching TV in silence, Travis made a small groaning sound, almost like  a growl while curling up and holding his head in his hands. "You okay..?" Sal asked softly, pulling his hands away from him. "Hurts... Everything hurts.." Travis mumbled in response, moving a bit and getting off Sal, sitting on the floor instead.

Travis' vision danced and twisted, almost like the world was spinning around him and taunting him. He whined a bit as the pain got worse. This was almost worse than his father's punishments. Almost. Sal quickly got up, calling for Todd and Larry instantly. Though, Travis could barely hear Sal, his ears were ringing violently, like a church bell was being rung right next to him.

The last thing Travis could hear and see were Todd and Larry rushing over to him, crouching beside him. Sal was standing off to the side, obviously panicked. He didn't catch much detail in what was going on around him, till his vision went red and he couldn't remember anything.


Travis woke up, his head pounding. He got up slowly, looking around.

This wasn't the living room he was just in.

He looked around frantically. He was in a white room, padded walls, but the wall in front of him was sturdy glass with a heavily locked door. He stood up, wobbling a bit as made his way over to the glass. He put his hands against the glass and smoothed his cheeks against it to see if there were any other cells like this beside him.

As far as he could tell, this was the only one. The room was fairly small too, was this the room he was staying in? Or... Was he locked up?

Travis saw Sal come down the stairs, looking tired and a bit upset. "Sal! Sal, what happened?!" He asked, panicked flooding his voice. Sal walked up to the glass. "You uhm... You attacked Larry." He said simply, though his voice cracked and he looked like he was about to cry. "So... So that's why I'm here..?" Travis mumbled.

Sal nodded slowly. "Uhm.. Your lab results came in about an hour ago from the tests Todd ran, apparently right before you attacked Larry, your brain activity went from scared to murderous in half a second. You... Don't have much time before you fully turn."

Travis looked devastated, he slowly sat down in front of the glass, just taking in this information. "I thought... I thought Todd said it was going to take a week before stuff like this started happening..?"

"He was wrong, surprisingly." Sal said, tapping his pen on his hand. "Apparently the type of zombie you were bit by infects fast, it's the most painful process too." He added, sighing at the end of his sentence.

Travis put his had down, starting to cry. "So... I'm dead. And there's nothing we can do about it, because by the time I'm fully turned, the cure to heal the infected from the half dead state aka my state would no longer work. And the cure for fully turned will take 10x longer." He mumbled, sniffling.

Sal nodded slowly, wiping his eye. "I'm afraid so..." He said quietly to avoid his voice cracking. "Just... Just kill me now, please... I-i don't think I can take this-" Travis said as tears started to fall. "No. I'm not killing you, I can't do tha-"

"Then get someone else to do it! Please, Sal! I hate this. I already attacked Larry, i-i don't wanna be like this. I JUST WANNA DIE ALREADY!" Travis said, half angrily and half upset. He got up, walking over to the bed he had in his room.

Sal unlocked the door, walking in and going over to Travis. He carefully sat next to him, hugging him and holding him close. "I... I didn't hurt Larry.. right..?" Travis mumbled. "Only some scratches and bruises, stuff that can very easily be fixed." Sal said quietly, rubbing Travis' back. "Okay, thank God..." Travis muttered, "I want you to know... In case these are my last words to you before I fully turn... I love you, so much, Sal."

"I love you too, Travis..." Sal whispered as his voice cracked and shook. "I always have... And I always will..." he added, then stabbed Travis' side with a syringe, injecting him with something.

Travis winced in pain, tensing up a bit. "Y-you..-" he muttered. "I'm sorry, love. I have to." Sal said before Travis was able to get his second word out.

Travis' eyes closed, slowly. Like he was fighting whatever he was injected with. Though hus eyes did close and he completely passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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