~ 2 ; This Wasn't Supposed To Happen. ~

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Sal had been fixing up and healing Travis' bite mark since he passed out, once he was done he was pacing, mumbling, and fucking freaking out. "Sal chill out, he'll be fine. We healed it." Larry said, placing his hands on both of Sal's shoulders and shaking him lightly for a second. "Calm. Down. You're putting too much stress on yourself."

"But what if he isn't okay, Larry?! I just got him back, he can't die!!" Sal exclaimed, his voice cracking a few times. "He won't die, stop worrying for once. He'll be okay." Sal hugged Larry tightly, sniffling. "I'm scared, Larry... I don't wanna lose him again..." "I know.. he'll be okay, little dude.."

"Guys he's waking up!" Ashley said. She was sitting beside Travis and Rover, who was still laying down with his head on Travis' lap. Travis groaned, slowly lifting his hand to rub his head. "I feel like I've been hit with a train..." He mumbled, eventually opening his eyes and looking at Sal.

Sal stared at Travis, immediately starting to smile just seeing him awake. He went over and carefully hugged him. "God I thought I was gonna lose you again..." "I'll be fine, Sally.. It takes more then a zombie bite to kill me.." Travis chuckled tiredly.

Rover moved so Sal could sit beside Travis instead, but sat in front of Travis and put his head on his lap again. Sal sat down beside Travis, keeping his arms around him and trying not to cry. Though it was obvious he was going too from him sniffling. "Hey don't cry-.. I'm alive, that's all that matters right now.." Travis said, smiling at Sal as he started to play with his hair.

"I just... I thought I was gonna lose you when I just got you back.." Sal said as he sniffled, pulling his mask down a bit so wipe his "nose". He immediately put it back up after.

"I'm glad I got you back.." He mumbled after a second of silence from both of them. "I am too... I was starting to think you and the others were dead.." "Ash and Larry completely lost hope." Travis stared at both Ash and Larry. "Really guys-? You know me well you should know I wouldn't have died that easily." "Dude Sal was looking for you all over Nockfell since this started, we didn't even find a trace of you!" Larry said defensively, crossing his arms.

The four giggled. Ashley got up. "I'm gonna go check on Maple, and don't let Travis out of your sight, just in case we were too late with the bite.." she said, going down to the basement where Maple currently was.

"Honestly, I missed you guys... Even you, Larry. I know shocker." Travis said that last part sarcastically with a chuckle. "Wow, never thought I'd hear that from you, Phelps." Larry said jokingly while lightly hitting Travis' arm.

Sal was spaced out, not focusing on what was going on around him, just imagining him and Travis fighting through this apocalypse together. Just them. He was only snapped out of it when he felt Travis' arms around his waist, his face immediately going red. Travis didn't seem to notice what he did or how it affected Sal.


Travis was laying on the couch, trying to sleep despite the pain in his leg. He rolled on to his side, his nails digging into his arms. Weirdly they felt too sharp to be his... They didn't feel like his nails. At all. He opened his eyes and looked at his hands, there was blood on his nails from digging them into his skin, but they also looked a bit... Chewed? Like someone had chewed on them and didn't bother to make it look neat. Which made them sharper.

"Uhm.. Larry? Do you know why my nails look like this?" Travis asked, staring at his hands. Larry looked over at him from the kitchen, then walked over. "You didn't do that?" "No-? I've gotten better at my problem and haven't chewed them in ages." "Huh.. weird..."

Larry crouched down, holding Travis' hand so he could examine it. "I'll have to go get Todd. He's the smartest out of the group." "You're saying that like I don't already know." They both chuckled, though Larry rolled his eyes.

Travis stayed on the couch, trying not to pay any attention to the pain going through his whole body. He groaned again. He felt like just clawing his skin off, pulling his hair out, anything that could make this pain go away.
He didn't feel like himself anymore.

Larry eventually came back with Todd, who immediately examined Travis. He checked his eyes and everything. "... No. Nuh uh. Nope I'm not believing it." Todd said, standing up and stepping away from Travis. "What's wrong with him?" Larry asked, panic filling his voice. "Unfortunately we were too late. He's turning." "What?!"

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"Our last times." { Salvis apocalypse au }Where stories live. Discover now