~ 3 ; You can't leave me again. ~

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"What...?" Travis said weakly. "I-I can't be turning! The bite was healed, there's no way I'm turning!!"  He said frantically, sitting up and staring at Todd. "I'm sorry, Travis..."

Travis just... Stared at Todd. Not wanting to believe a thing. "How... How long do I have..?" He choked his words out through silent sobs, trying to hold back the tears but it was too late for that. "About... Three days till it gets harder to control. I'll try to figure out something to make it a bit easier to control and maybe you won't fully turn... But we'll see."

"Okay... Thank you, Todd.." Travis smiled slightly, weakly wrapping his arms around Todd and hugging him. Todd was taken back by this, but hugged back anyways. "Where's Sal..?" Travis muttered, letting go and leaning against the couch. "He's upstairs keeping watch, I can go get him for you, if you want." Todd responded while getting up and readjusting his glasses. "Please do..." Todd nodded, walking up the stairs to the roof.


Sal walked down the stairs, Rover by his side as he did. "Question... Why is there a dog..? I thought you were scared of them..." Travis asked quietly, staring at Rover. "Oh! Rovers a military dog we picked up. Ash said it'd be better if we keep him so 1, I can get over my fear of dogs, and 2, for more protection." Sal explained, sitting beside Travis and letting Rover lay down at their feet.

"Oh.. Cool... I like him..." Travis said with a soft smile, petting Rovers head. He looked at Sal, he seemed too... Calm. {I'm guessing Todd didn't tell him.} Travis thought. He sighed. "Sal, I uh-... There's something you should know..."

"What's up?"

"I'm turning."



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[Hi!! Sorry this chapter is so short, I'm currently in school right now and trying to figure out what to do for future chapters. I promise I'll try to get more out soon!!!]

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