One Missed Call

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Little Kelly's pov:
I had stayed up again until 1. I went to sleep. My alarm woke me up at 4. As usual. I did what I usually do before chilling out on the sofa.

My phone buzzed about 20 times in a row. Jeez, Who is Texting me. Fed up, I looked at my phone

5 new text messages from Isabella.
15 new messages from I.K.M.E.
5 new messages from Elaine.

Since when did I know someone called I.K.M.E? I don't know anyone called that. I realised that I was a GC.


Isabella: What's up Ladies?
Elaine: nothing much, How are you?
Isabella: Good, Marianne? Are you OK?
Marianne: I'm OK, I told you to call me Maria.
Elaine: Maria, Isabella didn't get told.
Isabella: I'm sorry Maria.
Marianne: Where's Kelly?
Elaine: Kel, You ok?
Isabella: Kelly? She isn't responding to my texts.
Elaine: She might be offline...
Marianne: She always has her phone on her.
Isabella: That's true, I might call her.
Elaine: Guys, I care for her but she might just be busy.
Marianne: it's worth a shot, go for it Bella.

Isabella (Bella)

Isabella: Kelly, Are you ok?
Isabella: I made a Gc.
Isabella: You can always talk to me...
Isabella: Please Respond Kel...
Isabella: I'm calling you

*One Missed Call*


Elaine: Hey, I don't want to bother you but are you ok?
Elaine: if you dont want to talk it's ok.
Elaine: You don't have to respond to me.
Elaine: the next time you can though please tell me if you are ok.
Elaine: Bella told me to ring you. I'm sorry

*One Missed Call*

I put my phone down. I didn't want to respond. I just curled up on my sofa until I heard a knock.

"Come in.." I said Quietly.

"Sweetheart, Your friends Isabella and Marianne have called round. Can they come in?" My mother asked.

"I'm going to the toilet. They can come in. I will be back in a second" I Tell her.

I went into my bathroom. I Sat on the floor. Why did they have to call over? I know they care about me but I keep telling them that I am fine. They should trust me.

I started to cry a little. Damnit.. I can't cry right now. I rub my eyes and Splashed water on my face. I looked into the mirror and Saw what I looked like. I looked dead. I tried to Smile a little. I failed. Sighing, I exited the bathroom.

"Kelly, Are you ok? We saw that you looked at our messages but didn't respond. Are you sure that you are ok?" Isabella Questioned.

"What happened to Elaine?" I tried to change the subject.

"Elaine's parents needed to talk to her. She couldn't come here. Anyways, Stop trying to Change the subject. Are you sure that you are fine?" Marianne Asked.

"I told you, I am fine." I Awnsered. I didn't want to tell them the truth. It is far too complicated. They wouldn't understand.

"Kelly, I understand that you may not want to tell us. Clearly there is something wrong. You are usually so smiley and love it when we all hang out yet currently you haven't even smiled once" Marianne said.

"Yeah, I just want to make sure that you aren't upset. Am I not allowed to do that?" Isabella asked.

"So what if I'm not ok, No one cares about me. You guys don't. You are just putting up a front so that I won't know that you guys secretly hate me. You do. Stop lying. If I tell you that I am ok, that means that I am ok. You do not need to ask me multiple times. I just want to have a peaceful conversation and you keep saying stuff that you 'Care about me' we all know that you don't so just stop!" I Yelled.

I ran off into my bathroom and locked myself in. I think Bella and Maria went and got my mother as she came to the bathroom door.

"Sweetheart, what's the matter?" My mother asked.

"Nothing M-mom" I say trying to hide that I am crying.

"You're crying. I'm your mother, I know these things. Can I come in." She asked me.

"No.." I Told her. I think she may have left. I'm not sure though... I cleared my thoughts and left the bathroom.

"Honey, Whats going on?" My mother asked, I jumped.

"Nothing mother, I'm completely fine. I promise" I tell her.

"OK..." She isn't convinced. Shoot.

Queen Sophies pov:
I have an idea. I am taking my daughter to the doctors tomorrow. They are going to find out what is Wrong. She is acting really differently lately.

I asked chef Marty if she was acting normal to him. He said no. I gained the same response from Isabella, Marianne, Elaine and Butler dean.

I told her to get ready for bed and she did. Isabella and Marianne went home. I was going to talk to King tom about this but something held me back. I don't think I should. I don't think I can trust him to not Yell at her or get angry at her. She doesn't need any of that.

Right now, she needs Love and care. She just isn't accepting that she isn't ok around any of us. We can't do a lot until she actually tells us why she is upset. We can't do a lot of help. All I am hoping for is that the doctors know what I can't do to make her feel better.

For now, I am just going to go and get some rest myself. Tomorrow is when I shall hopefully get the answers to all of my questions. And I really hope that I can find out a way of how to make her feel better.

She is my daughter and I love her so much. I want to see her smile again and I want it to be genuine.

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