Why does no one see?

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Queen Sophies pov:

I was able to Get her to the doctors. How? Well I told her that we were going to go on a day out. When we pulled into the parking space, She panicked herself.

"Honey, It is for the best. We need to make sure that you are ok!" I Tell her, trying to calm her down.

"I am fine! WHY WONT ANYONE BELIEVE ME!" She yelled.

I got her out of the car and into the doctors office. She was not happy and kept trying to convince me to leave. When the doctor called for us, we went into the room.

"Hello Queen Sophie and Little Kelly, How may I help you today?" The doctor asked.

"Hi, i am just a bit worried about my daughter. She hasn't been acting normal lately. She is always sad and doesn't seem to be herself. I was wondering if there is anything you can do." I tell him.

"There is a few things that we can do. Firstly, I am going to ask her a series of questions. I will need you to step out of the room" He replied.

I exited the room and came back in 10 mins later.

"The only thing that I can do currently is give you guys some antidepressants. They will be able to help for now until we know what is fully going on. Thank you for making us aware of this." He Told us.

We left the doctors and got into the car. She was upset so I tried to cheer her up.

"Honey, it's ok. Is there any of your friends that you want to see? I can talk to Marianne's mother or I could talk to Isabella's mother?" I asked.

"Do you know Elaine's parents?" She asks, Shakily.

"I think I do, Do you want to head over to her house and ask if she can come to ours? Or we can stay at hers. Up to you" I tell her.

"I would Rather her come to ours" Kelly said. She was less shaky now and calmer.

I called Elaine's mother, Claire.

"Hello?" Claire asked.

"Claire, it's me Sophie. Your daughter is friends with my daughter, Kelly" I told her.

"Hello! How are you Sophie?" She asked me.

"I am ok. I was wondering if I could come round yours and pick up Elaine and if she could come to my house. My daughter has a major fear of the doctors and I just took her there. To make her feel better, she said she wanted to see Elaine" I explained.

"Of course, I will message you my address now. Just come to my house and knock. I'll tell Elaine that you are coming." Claire told me.

We drove to Claires house. I knocked on her door and she opened it. We entered the house and went into the living room. Claire called up to Elaine and she came downstairs.

Elaine's pov:

My mother called me down.

"Mum, Can i go to Kels house?" I asked.

"Of course you can Hunny, Be good. No messing about." My mother tells me.

"I won't." I tell her.

Me and Kelly exited the house. Her mother was talking to mine for a couple of minutes. I decided to talk to her.

"Hey, I noticed you saw the messages on the group chat but didn't awnser. I'm sorry that they started spamming you. If you want to talk I am here. If you dont want to, I am not going to blame you. I just want to make sure that you are ok, that's all." I explain.

"Can I be honest with you?" She asked.

"Yes" I said.

"I'm not ok. I am everything but ok. I feel horrible. Nothing that I do can ever help me. The doctors just gave me antidepressants. They don't care about me. Every single time I am alone I just wish that I was dead, you know? I just get a feeling that I am a burden to all of my friends and family. I feel like they would all be so much more happier with me gone. My dad has gone off to live with his New girlfriend. If I wasn't here, Maybe they would still be together." She Explained.

"How long have you been hiding this for?" I ask.

"A couple years or so..." She told me.

"Thank you for opening up to me. It means alot" I thank her.

"Please don't Tell Bella or Maria. They would freak out if they found out I had these kinds of thoughts. Don't tell my mother or your mother. Keep it a secret, Please?" She asks.

"I promise I will not tell anyone. Is there anything else you want to talk about?" I ask her.

"I just feel like I am alone. Everyone else in this world has nice lives. Mine? I'm stuck inside a house 24/7, I have to do homeschooling, Only allowed out for 1 hour daily, I have to eat infront of my parents, I have a boring life. Then I look at some of my friends with no curfews, Allowed out whenever to wherever, can eat in there rooms and go to school. It makes me feel really singled out. Its as if I am the problem. I'm not, Am I?" She tells me.

"You aren't the problem. Why do your parents have such strict rules?" I ask.

"It's all of my dad's rules. He wants me to be at home 99.9% of the time. He says it is for my safety. It really isn't. I have to eat infront of someone so that Rubbish doesn't pile up in my room. It's all "Presentation over mental health" with him and I am sick of it" She informs me.

"Girls, it is time to go" her mother tells us.

"How About we talk about this more when we get to your home?" I asked her.

"Agreed" She said.

We got into the car.

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