Falling Apart Slowly (REDONE)

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(Some of the story parts have been deleted because im Re-doing Some parts of the book. Sorry but I decided to make this book take a different turn. This story part starts in a similar way to the original one but it ends differently. Apologies for any misconceptions.)

Queen Sophies pov:
The doctors Rang me today. They wanted to have my daughter come into the hospital. They said that it is important. I wonder what it is?

I brought her in. She hesitated alot before even entering the hospital.

"Hello Queen Sophie and Princess Kelly. I have some horrible news to tell you. We looked over her Behaviour alongside the results of the tests that we took. She seems to have severe Anxiety and Mild Depression. If these do not get a form of treatment, it can get Worse. We have some Anxiety medications to give you. She should take them with the Antidepressants. Therapy will also be a good idea." The doctor told me.

He gave me her medication and we went home. King tom stood by the Thrones.

"What's with all of the secrets, Sophie? This is getting Ridiculous now! What is going on!?" He asked.

"Nothing is going on. I am just spending some time with Kelly. Am I wrong for that?" I Reply.

"Something Clearly is. Everyone is acting suspicious. Kelly is Especially being suspicious. Why the Sadness and Quietness lately then?" He asked her.

She didn't respond. She Just Shrugged and went upstairs. I tried to lie to King tom. He didn't Really believe me but gave up.


Little Kelly's pov:
I Sat on my bedroom floor, Crying. Why couldn't he Just keep his mouth Shut. I looked over at the medication I had just been given by the doctor.

"..Take one when you wake up, one in the afternoon and one before you go to bed..."

I took 1. I drank some water and then sat down on the floor again.

Why am I not normal? No one loves me.

Upon thinking that, I began sobbing. I heard someone walking to my room. I ran to my bathroom to not get noticed. I splashed water on my face to prevent my eyes from showing the tears. It was cold and made me shiver but I looked into the mirror. My eyes looked dull and heartbroken but I couldn't care anymore. Even if my eyes look dead, it's not like I can change it.

"LITTLE KELLY GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I hear someone scream.

I walked downstairs, Trying to hide that I was Crying. Immediately, I wished that I had stayed in my bathroom.


I looked at what he was holding. Shoot...

He was holding a Book. It was the book in which I vented about my opinions. It had some very serious stuff in it. I would always vent about how much I hated myself or everything around me. It went into details, details I do not Want my parents to know...


I stood there silently, still in shock. I was terrified for his Reaction.

"Tom stop! Kelly, is this how you truly feel?" Mom asked me.

"It is how I feel! You guys always argue and It gets so annoying. You guys never seem to care about me. I tell Elaine about everything because she Doesn't Push anything on me. She actually listens to Me! You guys are to busy arguing to ever take notice of your own child! I am sick of this. I HATE THIS HOUSE AND I HATE EVERTHING ABOUT IT" I yelled, Running out of the house.

I heard my father Yell to the guards to run after me. I was going to run to Elaine's but it would be far to Obvious. The next place I could think of was a secret place that I went whenever I was upset.

It was Quite Close, I'll admit. But I have to get these Guards off of my trail. I take the longer way to get there, Speeding up to loose them. I was going to stay there but I decided to run further. The guards would be close around where they last saw me so it is best to go further.

I ran into the forest. I hate the forest but it is better than getting Caught by the guards. I Ran Until I knew I was Probably about halfway through the forest. I fell down, Leaning on a tree. The panic was still rising in me. I cried.

I saw a light shining as the hards examined the forest thoroughly. They were talking and calling my name. I didn't respond obviously. Then I felt someone touch my arm.

"Found you." A gaurd Spoke. He aggressively Grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

I tried to pull away, Pushing him and trying to fight my way to get away from him. The gaurd yelled and loads swarmed me to grab me. Everything felt to much. Everything began to spin and I lost my ability to fight them.

They all grabbed me... I barely felt them.. My vision just faded and I felt myself fall. They all Quickly surrounded me as I collapsed.

All I heard before I was completely out was: "We need to get her to the castle, Quick!". Then I was fully out...

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