Chapter 4

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"Alright! Listen up! First rule of your control training! You listen to what I say and you follow every word I say. To. The. Letter. Now right hand, keep flat, palm facing inside. Left hand, make a fist facing your palm. Hit them together and don't panic," Kathey commanded. Even though she was usually a gentle person, she was a strict trainer.

She pointed to Trevor first. He did what Kathey instructed and an odd white and blue glow started in his hands. Before he knew it, he was standing as a clear colored dragon.

"Congratulations, you can turn into a dragon. Next!" Kathey pointed to Brenda.

Pretty soon they all stood as dragons. Brenda was a light blue like Sylark, Aya was white, and David was ocean blue.

"Water-Ice, Ice, Snow, and Water," Kathey nodded to the four dragons from oldest to youngest. Kathey nodded up to Samual who was in the observation deck and a bunch of hoops appeared from the ceiling. Malice, Sylark and Zoymey walked in. "Alright, you're each going to be paired with one of us. You will listen to what we tell you and follow our training schedules until you are deemed in control of your powers. After that, we request you stay until you are masters at your powers."

"Brenda, you will be with me," Sylark said.

"Aya with me," Malice said.

"David, you will learn with me," Zoymey said.

"Leaves you with me, Trevor," Kathey said. She nodded to the four of them and they went into the corners of the arena, the Compass Dragons now in their dragon forms. Trevor looked at his siblings before looking down at himself, sitting back on his haunches and looking at his front feet.

"This is so strange. I never would've expected to be a dragon. What's special about a Water-Ice Dragon?" he asked.

"Your scales are tinted ocean blue in the sunlight and you have a high level of natural beauty as a human," Anna said. She smiled kindly at Trevor when he looked up at her.

"Your teaching methods are odd by the way."

"I had to grow up learning how to control my powers again when I was young. I've seen dragons struggle, so I helped them. The sanctuary is still pretty new, but it's perfect for dragons."

"Thank you...for accepting us."

Anna nodded and pointed to the hoops. "We won't start you on major flying yet, but it's good to have a little skill in flying. Right now work on getting into the air and hovering and high as possible," she said. Trevor backed up as Anna opened her wings. He watched her push off with her back legs and jump into the air. She started to flap her wings and she began to rise into the air. Trevor watched in awe. "This is a more controlled environment. You don't have wind speed to worry about, you'll learn more about that later on in your training. For now, just get used to the feel of using your wings. Give them a few flaps first."

Trevor looked back at his wings, managing to open them and he opened and closed them a few times. He gave them a few flaps, realizing it wasn't so hard. He pushed off the ground and tried to get air under his wings, falling flat on his face. Anna chuckled and encouraged him.

Malice yawned and laid down, laying his head on his front legs and closing his eyes.

"Mr. Malice?" Aya asked.

"Please, no formalities, just call me Malice," Malice said.

"Alright um...Malice. Why aren't you teaching me anything?"

"Experiment. You're a Snow Dragon, figure out how to shoot snow from your mouth, or was it from your nose?"

"Pretty sure it was from the nose."

The Dragoso Series 1: Love in DeathWhere stories live. Discover now