Chapter 7

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They came to a sudden halt, many dragons of purple and red blocking their path, a few with a metallic shine to them in the light of the torches.

"Well, well. They look weak enough," one said.

"Indeed, what should we do with them?" another asked.

"Let's take their lives so they suffer as we have!" another roared and they all pounced.

Brenda jumped in front of her siblings and wrapped her wings around them. Nothing seemed to happen and they all opened their eyes. Brenda gasped when she saw the dragons were all frozen solid.

"Toxic and Toxic Metallic Dragons. Anna told me about them, the nastiest of the dragon breeds, they went extinct for a good reason," Trevor said and he tapped a claw on one of the frozen dragons whose eyes still moved to glare at him, its mouth wide open. "Those claws would be the death of us."

"Let's keep moving before some other crazy thing tries to kill us," Aya advised and they continued on.

It wasn't long until they slid into a chamber only to see everybody but Deathbore on the ground. Most were out cold, Anna and Sonar were the only two panting up a storm. Deathbore's legs shook as he tried to stay standing.

"Did you really think you could defeat me? I have the power of the Underworld under my wing and nobody can stop me!" Brokenstar shouted and he laughed.

"Nobody can stop us!" Despair squeaked next to his master.

"Who will protect you now?" Brokenstar asked. Trevor frowned before stalking up next to Deathbore and standing in front of the Dragon Devil.

"I will," he said.

"You? You're just one measly rookie!" Brokenstar laughed. Trevor opened his wings and snarled when Brenda walked into view on his right.

"We will protect them," she snapped and opened her wings as well. To Trevor's left, Aya walked up and snarled.

"When one of us stands to fight," Aya started. David walked up next to Aya.

"We all stand!" David finished.

"Really? You four think you can beat me? Four fledglings can't do anything against me!" Brokenstar shouted. He reared up, his front feet hitting the ground and a large crack appeared.

Shadows appeared and engulfed the four of them. When the shadows disappeared they stood untouched, a blue light surrounded them.

"What?! How can this happen?!" Brokenstar asked. "Despair!" The young dragon blasted the four of them. The element, however, was brushed aside.

"I don't believe it. I only thought they were of legend..." Deathbore gasped.

"What?!" Brokenstar demanded.

"It's said that there were servants of the Compass Dragons in the first generation. They were a family of dragons like these four. The love they had for not only each other, but for the Compass Dragons, kept them safe from anything, even death," Deathbore explained.

"That's a load of bull scraps!" Brokenstar roared.

"The proof is right in front of you!" Trevor yelled back. "No matter the deed!"

"No matter the skill!" Brenda shouted.

"Our job is one!" Aya shouted.

"To protect the world!" David growled.

"From those who disrupt the peace!" the four siblings, Anna, and Deathbore said together. There was a flash of light and Brokenstar and Despair were gone. Trevor looked towards Anna who exhaled a small puff of air from her open mouth that could be seen.

The Dragoso Series 1: Love in DeathWhere stories live. Discover now