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It's been a few hours since I installed the game and I have to admit that I really got into it. There were also various suspicions against me, but I didn't give up. In my spare time I wrote a lot with Jessy, so we got along better and better. In the mean time we were finding newer and newer tips, but they were not very helpful. I felt like we were stuck in the same place.
However, fate had other plans and finally something new appeared.

Unknown is calling

Unknown: Are you scared? I see you... Do you want me to come get you? Don't meddle in things that are not yours...

"Well, good luck then."-I thought-"If he really thinks it made any impression on me, he's wrong."

Although the call seemed absurd, of course I had to write to the hacker about it.


Some idiot called and threatened me

???: Very good. Most likely it was a kidnapper. He comes out of hiding, I'm sure he's worried about your appearance.

Do you suspect someone already?

???: Yes, but I don't want to influence your judgment. You must remain vigilant. You can't trust anyone in the group!

??? is offline

The hacker thought everything was going well. However, my mind was haunted by thoughts: how does the kidnapper know that I am involved in the investigation, how did he come into possession of my number, and could it really be someone from the group? So many questions and so few answers. However, I felt that at some point everything would clear up, and I just had to be patient.

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