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It seemed like everybody had one – except you.

You didn't see what the big fuss was about and that's what you told your friends during a sleepover. Of course, all three of them looked at you like you were insane. They've been sharing tips on the proper use of dildos and vibrators for years now and you felt like you were the only person in the world that has never used a toy in their life.

You just didn't think it was that necessary. When you had a boyfriend, you slept with him. When you didn't, you knew how to get yourself off. You didn't see the point in buying toys.

Could they really be that good? You highly doubted that.

One thing led to another and you found yourself on your phone five minutes before the start of your history class scrolling through eBay in search of a good vibrator for yourself. Your friends already made a deposit to your account urging you to buy one, so you caved in. You had to admit you were kind of curious if it would feel as good as everyone said it would.

You sat in the back row and you kept scrolling until you found a cute one – small, pink, with great reviews. You placed the order just a second before someone plopped down in the seat next to you, which you weren't expecting at all.

You quickly locked your phone and looked at the person hoping they didn't catch a glimpse of your newest online purchase.

"Jimin?" You cocked an eyebrow up questioningly when you realized he chose to sit next to you. Jimin always sat in the back row somewhere. But never right next to you – you were never that close.

"Hey there, gorgeous," he grinned, flashing you his perfect set of teeth. "I saw that you were all alone in the back row, so I thought I'd come keep you company... I know how boring history class gets."


You nodded and looked down at your notebook, even though you could feel Jimin's stare on you. None of his friends were there. But you still didn't understand why he would sit next to you. You always sat alone in this class because none of your friends attended it.

"Uhm, do you need something?"

"Well... The class president elections are up. Who are you going to vote for?" Jimin rested his chin on his palm and looked at you with a cute smile on his face cutting straight to the chase.

Oh, that's what it was about.

Jimin was running for class president because that position meant some extra points, which he desperately needed and it was basically a get-out-of-class free card. He could skip class and say he had some class president duties and no one would question him.

You always suspected that was the only reason he wanted the position in the first place. Jimin didn't give a damn about the class or the class president duties.

"Honestly? Namjoon," you winked at him, knowing it would upset him.

Jimin used to be the class clown when you were younger. But with years he turned into the class fuckboy. Everybody wanted a taste of Park Jimin and he seemed to be more than aware of that.

He used to be a chubby, short kid. But now that you were adults, he was becoming more and more muscly every day and you couldn't pretend you didn't notice how good his thighs looked in shorts. But you also knew that he was aware of how good he actually looked, and that was a turn off for you.

"Namjoon!?" Jimin opened his mouth wide in surprise and he couldn't help but look offended. "How could you do this to me?"

"What do you mean?" You laughed out loud at his facial expression. "Namjoon is smart as hell, and he always helps everyone with whatever they need."

"I help around, too!" Jimin crossed his arms over his chest and pretended he was sulking. But the corners of his mouth were quivering and you knew he was about to burst out laughing.

"I don't care, Namjoon helps more, and I'm voting for him," you shrugged and looked at the front of the class to avoid Jimin's offended gaze.

That was true. Namjoon was very intelligent and he helped you out with your homework numerous times. You knew the questions you had must have sounded stupid to someone like Namjoon and he was probably getting asked the same things over and over again. But he'd always explain everything in detail with a warm smile on his face, sometimes even more than once.

Jimin, on the other hand, made everyone laugh during class with his jokes and grimaces, but he never actually helped you with anything. Besides, he was only applying so he could get out of class and not because he felt the need to help other students.

"We made out and you're voting for Namjoon!?" Jimin clapped his hands angrily for emphasis. But you could see he was just pretending he was hurt. "Kim fucking Namjoon! I can't believe this shit."

"That obviously means you weren't that good," you shrugged and laughed. But this time Jimin wasn't amused. He glared at you with his eyebrows cocked up as if you had just insulted his entire family.

The professor walked in and started the lecture right away. But Jimin was still glaring at you and you found it funny.

You did make out with him once, a couple of months earlier at someone's house party. It was early in the morning. You were drunk, you ran into Jimin, he made a move, and you let him make it. Hungry kissing with an occasional grope was all it was – that and a boner digging into your stomach as you kissed.

You didn't want to act on it. You knew you'd have to see Jimin in class every day and you figured he made out with everyone, so you didn't want to put yourself through that shame.

"I wasn't good at it..." you heard Jimin mutter as he opened his textbook and angrily flipped through the pages. "I wasn't good!? You're only lying to yourself. Pfft! I wasn't good at it... Please..."

You almost laughed out loud when you saw just how upset he was over that one tiny, meaningless remark. Of course he was good at it. You had a hard time pulling yourself away from him and telling him you had to go home.

"Fuck, chill..." you chuckled and he glared at you again.

"You're getting too cocky, you know that?" Jimin cocked an eyebrow up. But the look on his face was playful. "I like you. But I won't put up with that."

"Please, don't... I'm so scared," you batted your lashes at him. In playful anger, he grabbed his pen and scribbled random lines in the middle of your notebook. But that only made you laugh harder.

Jimin pulled his hand away from your notebook and right at that moment you got a notification on your phone. You both looked at your phone since the notification popped right up and lit up the screen.

You quickly grabbed your phone and threw it into your bag angrily as shame washed over your face.

Not only did the notification say that your vibrator was shipped. But it also included a picture of it. You were sure Jimin had seen it just as clear as you did and there couldn't be a doubt in his mind about what the notification said.

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