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You were staring. Watching the man you would be going to marry standing a few feet away from you, only a few meters away.

You still wondered sometimes, how your first stupid crush would be your life partner. College days were great, spending time with each other, knowing better each other, sharing love with each other.

Life had been just perfect with each other.

There was a half empty glass of champagne in his hand, the other tucked away in the pocket of his slacks, a bright smile on his face and lights twinkling in his eyes. You could tell from your spot on the couch. Your heart swelled up at the sight as you took a small sip from your own glass of champagne.

You were only half listening to your girlfriends talking around you, their conversation shifting quickly between topics that are far from your mind at this moment.

You hadn't really been paying attention for a long time, simply having spent the past hour and a half or so watching your fiancé as he moved around, chatting and mingling like the social butterfly that he is.

Feeling attention deprived his attention, not everyone else's, you raked your eyes over him, up and down his body.

He looked good tonight, handsome and beautiful in all kinds of aspects. He was wearing a new suit, a black one with a crisp white button-up underneath, a black tie and all his silver jewelry adorning his wrists, fingers and ears.

He was dressed up for your engagement party. A party your fiancé had insisted on having after he had been down on one knee. It was just an excuse for him to show you off, show everyone that you were his and his only for the rest of his life.

It was not like you didn't enjoy how he gushed about it, smiling brightly as he talked about you to friends and family. You were very humble though, shying away every time he would pull you over and close to his side as he pleaded you to show people your engagement ring.

You chuckled to yourself, shaking your head in amusement at the thought of him being so proud of this entire engagement thing he has pulled off.

You decided it was about time you steal his attention after not talking to him for almost two hours.

You downed the rest of your champagne and got up from the couch, leaving your girlfriends behind as you make your way in the direction of where he stands. None of them questioned your actions, not even spared you a glance as you move closer to your handsome, soon to be husband.

He noticed you almost right away, smiling softly with a hint of love and affection in his eyes as you approached him. You caught him glancing you up and down, taking in how amazing you look for the hundredth time tonight.

He offered his hand. You took it and let him reel you in, flush to his side, wrapping his arm around your waist and keeping you close. His friends, Taehyung and Hoseok, both smiled kindly at you as you appeared in front of them.

"Hey boys," you greeted them. "Mind if I steal this handsome one for a few?"

Jimin was smirking lightly as you glanced up at him, feeling you tap your palm against his chest.

"No. Go ahead," Taehyung said. A knowing smile was on his face.

You thanked them quietly, slipping your hand into Jimin's and pulling him away from the crowd of friends and family lounging around in your shared apartment.

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