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The three of them have been walking around the city centre for about 2 hours.

"Tommy, you're going to get injured!" Y/n yells at the 19 year old man trying to balance on a thin pole for an instagram story. "No, I'm not! I'm a big strong man and I can do anything I put my mind to!" Tommy yells back before slipping off the pole and falling onto the soft grass below. "He's such a fucking gremlin boy." Wilbur says with a smile.

(crime boys is fucking precious and i need more clingy duo and crime boys content)

"He always has been." Y/n adds, also smiling. "When did you two even meet?" Wilbur asks, now looking at Y/n instead of Tommy. "When I lived in London. He was 16, I was 21, but he helped me more than I helped him. I was working at a cafe when I met him. He was recording everything and was most definitely being too loud, so I told him to quiet down. He later apologised and we had a conversation about why he was vlogging everything. He asked for my number and I said no, then he paid me and I gave it to him."

"To be fair, I only paid you like 20£, so..." Tommy says, running up to them from the pole he just fell off of. "If you would've said yes to a 16 year old asking your number, I would've called you a nonce for the rest of time." Wilbur says to Y/n. "That's fair. By the way, Tommy, that money was spent on the party I threw for you when you turned 17." Y/n mentions.

Tommy looks shocked. "How'd you go from cafe worker and client to friends?" Wilbur asks, clearly needing the answer. "When she-" Tommy begins, but is cut off. "When I ran into him at a park. He looked upset so we spent the day at an arcade." Y/n says watching Tommy closely. "I was literally gonna say that, why are you so rude?" Tommy asks in a sarcastic manner.

"Comes from you, buddy." Y/n answers with with a bow meant to irritate Tommy.


"Bye!" Tommy yells as he walks away from Wilbur and Y/n. "Bye, gremlin!" Y/n yells. Wilbur simply laughs and waves.

"We should head back. It's almost 10pm." Wilbur says. "Yeah..." Y/n adds, making Wilbur worry due to the manner she spoke in. "You alright?" Wilbur asks, worried. "Hm? Oh, yeah!" Y/n says, returning back to her regular self. "Oh... you sure?" Wilbur asks. "Mhm. Let's go, I wanna get home!" Y/n answers and starts walking towards the car.

I don't think she's okay...

"Did you find someone to buy the fridge off of you?" Wilbur asks. "Huh?" Y/n asks, clearly confused.

Caught you red handed.

"When I was over at yours, you said you were going to sell your fridge. Did you change your mind?" Wilbur asks, knowing Y/n wasn't being truthful. "I haven't been thinking about it much, so I'm not sure. My priority is my album. I'm thinking pf releasing it in June." Y/n says, smoothly changing the topic.

"That's quite far from now!" Wilbur says as they both enter the car. "Yeah. June 25th is the day I'm hoping to release it. I know It'll be ready in like a week and a half, but I think I can wait. It's only 2 months!"(it's the end of april btw)

"Why don't you wanna release it sooner?" Wilbur asks, obviously interested since he hasn't even started the car yet. "The 25th is special..." Y/n says, remembering just how devastated she was on June 25th years back.

"Y/n, your father... he went to the next stage of his place in the universe. He's not around anymore, dear."

"How so? You don't have to answer, I just would like to know more about you. You're a mystery, Y/n." Wilbur says.

"I... so remember how I said that the song "Sparks" reminds me of someone I miss? That person wen't away on the 25th of June. I feel like my first album should be released on the day my life changed. It's been 14 years, but I feel like I'll never forget that day." Y/n says with tears threatening to drop from her eyes. She holds them back, though. She hates being vulnerable, and sharing her story was already too much, even if she skipped a few parts.

"I'm so sorry, dear. I feel like I'm being presumptuous, but a family member's death effects on you usually sculpt who you are. If that's the case, your sorrow was well reversed into the beautiful person you are today." Wilbur says.

My sorrow wasn't reversed.
It got worse and has been eating me alive ever since.

"Thanks, Will."(i know its "wil" but my autocorrect is being annoying so shh)

"Anytime, princess." Wilbur says with a smirk, grabbing Y/n's hand.


"William Patrick Spencer Gold, what on earth got you so confident?" Y/n says, somehow keeping a straight face. "You know my full name? How flattering..." Wilbur says, planting a soft kiss on Y/n's hand while looking directly into her eyes and smirking.

"I see how it is, handsome." Y/n says with full confidence, staring into Wilbur's eyes with an innocent yet mischievous smile.

That... wow.

"Aww, is Wilbur flustered? What, is that all it takes?" Y/n says in a voice that seems to have seductive undertones. "Princess was better." Wilbur says abruptly and starts to drive. "So you just gave up, huh? A bit pathetic, but I'll count the effort." Y/n says.

Who even am I?

"What's gotten into you? You're usually more closed off than this." Wilbur says with a smile. "Honestly? No clue." Y/n says.

The rest of the car ride was spent singing the GeorgeNotFound onlyfans song. They had but it on after Y/n saw that Wilbur had clout goggles in his backseat. When Y/n got home, she took a shower for the first time in a while and painted a bit. Wilbur called Phil to ask for advice, since he's the wise one.

"Hey, mate. What's up?" Phil asks. "So... you know Y/n, right? We had a moment today... like a very flirtatious one." Wilbur says quite quickly. "O- Does Tom know? They seem to be close." Phil says. "No, because nothing, like, happened. I just made a flirty remark and then she made one back, and-"

"Okay, Will. Just calm down."

yes, i simp for the soot man.

wall between us // wilbur soot x y/n // !!DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now