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They had managed to get out of the building, after taking down all of the people who had tried to come for them. Identifying everyone from Ross command.

"Why would General Ross attack us, arent we on the same side?" Sam asked, as he landed.

"He wants Arias powers. He wanted her under his control, my guess, he wants all of us too" Steve quickly explained.

"Come on, lets get back home, and get this sorted out on what we are gonna do next" Tony then said.

Once they were back at the compound, going through everything they could, trying to narrow it down to where the Government would take anyone. But even with the contacts they had, they came to dead ends. Tony spoke to people that he knew in government circles, trying to find out anything about what Ross was up to.

"Tony, General Ross has been off the radar for months, he had put forward a proposal to the president about something he clearly disagreed with. Next thing we know, he's gone, and we don't know where too, or what he's doing. I do know that people are out there looking for him, because The guy paused for a second. This doesn't go any further Tony"

"Got my word" Tony replied, sitting there in his office.

"Technology has gone missing from special facilities around the country. Along with people, soldiers who used to work alongside him. That believed in the same things he did"

"And what things would that be?" Tony wondered.

His friend sighed, he didnt want to be repeating this, because he didnt think the same way as Ross.

"He thought anyone with special powers should be under the government, and helping us to defend our country. But they should be controlled, not free He said, sounding disgusted by saying it."

"Can you point in us in the right direction on where he would be hiding?" Tony then questioned.

"I can think of a few places, but Ill check around for you. And call you back"

The call ended, Tony sat back on his chair as someone knocked on the office door. He called out for them to come in. When he looked up, Steve walked into the room, looking like he had lost the will to fight anymore.

"Steve, dont look like that. I told you. We will find her" Tony said, trying to stay positive.

"I just dont know where else to look"

"Youre really crazy about her, arent you?" Tony asked.

Steve didnt reply, but he knew he had to find something to occupy himself with, because if he didnt, he would go crazy, feeling like he was climbing the walls.

He sighed and turned to leave the room, when Natasha walked in, looking pleased with herself.

"You got something?" Steve asked, hopeful.

"I found a few things you might be interested in" Natasha said, walking over holding a file, placing it onto a desk. "You were wondering what his motives were, apart from the obvious, control over anyone who may be different. Well look what I found on that computer"

Tony picked it up, opening the file, looking at the control drug that Rex had been working on.

"Yeah, I know about this" Tony said.

"Keep reading" She indicated.

He flicked through a few more pages, where he then found something he didnt want to know.

There was a photo of Rex Montgomery. Everything in the file was all about his life. Tony didnt need to read this through, he knew most of it. When he flicked the page, there was his sister, Riley.

Tony rolled his eyes and sighed.

"What is it?" Steve wondered.

Tony knew he couldnt hold it back now, he had to tell them everything.

"We should get the team together" Tony said.

Tony walked into the briefing room, as everyone started taking there seats around the table. He stopped at the head of the table, placing his hands flat on it, feeling strained that once more his sister was against him.

"Right, we might have a break through about Aria" Tony said.

Everyone could see he was stressed about something.

"This guy" He clicked on the little screen in front of him.

The picture came up of Rex.

"This is Rex Montgomery. He went to MIT, graduated in almost the same things as myself. Along with biomechanics and much more. He is responsible for the control disc and drug that has been made"

Tony clicked once more, the photo changed to Riley.

He sighed again.

"This is Riley Bakers. My half-sister, my fathers daughter"

He let that information sink in around the room.

"Not many know about that, but now you do. You may recognise these two from the attack we had on the compound not that long ago, when Holler was after Loki and Thor. They were working with him. And now it looks like General Ross has recruited them to use his control disc on anyone who has abilities"

They looked over.

"Do we know where to go?" Sam asked.

"Were working on it. Nat, have you got anything about a location from the files youre going through?" Tony wondered.

"Nothing. Its got everything in there about who they have subjected this disc on, and who they want to test it on. Aria was right at the top of the list" She explained.

"I can help you with narrowing it down"

Everyone looked around at the door, finding Loki standing there.

Loki tried one last time, eventually feeling that familiar pull, that he was no longer in the same room as his physical body. He could almost feel himself materialising in the room, finding exactly where everyone was in the compound.

"I can help you with narrowing it down" Loki said, having caught what they had said.

He watched them all looking back at him, like they were shocked.

"I dont have long, so please, no questions"

"I thought you were with Aria?" Steve demanded, getting to his feet.

"I am. We are currently being held by Ross, in Alcatraz. I dont know if that means anything to you. Its hard to use my magic. Its draining. But they are torturing Aria, trying to test everything they could on her. Hurry, I dont think she can hold out much longer"

They watched as his body started to fade.

"Loki, wait" Tony quickly said. "How many are there?"

"I dont know" He said, before fading completely.

Old Enemies - series The Asgardian Witch (books 1 - 4)Where stories live. Discover now