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Back on Midgard, Steve couldn't settle to do anything. He had been home to their house, seeing everything there that belonged to Aria. He couldn't sleep, not knowing where she as, or what she was doing. Even if she was alright. He went back to the compound, trying to keep himself busy, not that there was much to do there either.

He was in the hanger, tinkering about with the jet, when he heard footsteps walking into the place and stopping.

From underneath the large body, he glanced around to the side, finding it was Barton. He too had taken to not being able to settle down to anything, wondering where Aria had gone.

"Need a hand?" Clint wondered.

"Sure" Steve answered.

He had also taken to not speaking much to anyone, because every time he did, they came out with the same thing. Saying how much Aria would be okay, that she would be back soon, probably just spending time with her children.

That didn't stop him from worrying.

It had been almost two weeks since she had left them.

Left him.

"So, whats wrong with it?" Clint wondered.

"Nothing really" Steve replied.

"Just keeping yourself busy"

Steve said nothing.

"Its not been that long Steve. I'm sure whatever she feels she has to do, she will be back with you before you know it" Clint replied.

Steve sighed.

"Youre right, Ill shut up" Clint then commented.

This caused him to look over at him, putting the wrench down on the floor beside him and slide out from under the jet, to where Clint was standing.

"What if she has gone back to him?" Steve finally admitted.

Clint could have laughed, if he hadnt seen that his friend was asking a serious question.

"Steve, shes married to you. Why would she go back to Loki?"

Steve shrugged as he got up from the ground, grabbing the rag and wiping his hands.

"She has children with him. I refuse to ask her that question, in case they turn out like her, and have magical powers, bringing forth a whole new lot of problems. Being married shouldnt be that difficult, should it?" Steve said.

Clint agreed with him.

"Totally understand about the children thing. But just because youre married, doesnt mean children have to follow He replied. Just enjoy the time you guys have together, thats the most important thing"

Steve nodded, putting the rag back on the box.

"She looked at me, before leaving, like she didnt know who I was. What if she still doesnt and thats the reason why she hasnt come home"

"Steve, youre overthinking this. You need to just be patient" Clint said, handing him another wrench.

Just as they both heard the sound of the Bifrost, out in the runway, outside of the hanger they were in. Causing them to both turn around and look at who it was.

Loki took a sharp in take of breath, feeling like his whole body had been put back together in the wrong way. He was bruised from top to toe, but it was his head that was pounding the most. There was a ringing in his ears along with feeling dizzy. He opened his eyes, looking around, finding he was back in the palace, with healers around him, working.

Old Enemies - series The Asgardian Witch (books 1 - 4)Where stories live. Discover now