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Loki and Thor had been out on another fishing trip, coming back with nothing. That was before they had been summoned to Asgard. When they arrived in the throne room, finding Odin sat there, talking with his council, he sat up, looking serious at them.

"How is Aria?" He wondered, looking to Loki.

"No change father"

When he looked around at the various people, he found his two children were among them.

"What's going on father?" Loki quizzed.

"I've been talking with the council, and I have decided that we should speak with Laufey" Odin said.

"Are you insane?" Thor boomed.

"We need the answers, I will speak with him, but I want you both there with me, and Volstagg, Hogun will come too"

They said nothing, they knew not to disagree with Father, because he wont have it, he would only go there anywhere, and do it alone.

"When are we leaving?" Loki sighed.


They arrived in the cold realm, then walked to the large ice palace that was in the distance. Loki could feel everyone watching from the shadows, knowing they were itching for a fight.

"You are out of your depths here, Asgardian" Someones voice boomed.

"I have come to talk with Laufey, about a private matter" Odin said.

The place fell silent for a second.

"Odin Borson, King of Asgard. What brings you here to my realm?" Laufeys voice boomed.

Odin said nothing, he refused to talk to air, he wanted to see his face.

They were all looking around, realising that if this did turn nasty, they were heavily outnumbered.

Moments later, he appeared in front of them. He was at least twelve foot tall, coming out from the shadows, walking over to his ice throne, and sitting down.

"Speak King of Asgard" He demanded.

"We need to talk about my brother" Odin called out.

They shared a look for a moment, like Laufey was reading him, wondering if this was a trap.

"Leave us" He barked.

Loki and Thor watched as everyone who had been circling them, started to leave, and Laufey himself came down in size, not so he was the same height as them, but so he was a little taller than them. Loki was impressed at this as he didnt know they could do that.

"Your brother, is a traitor Odin" Laufey said.

"Hes alive?"

Laufey paused for a moment. Before nodding.

"We found him, and we were intending to kill him, but he told us he can get us into Asgard, and get to you. The deal was, we killed you and he took the throne. But, after we let him heal here, he vanished and we never heard from him again. The last I had heard he was on Midgard, feeding off there fear"

Odin was nodding.

"What was his plan Laufey?" Odin then wondered.

"Only what I just said. He made a deal with us, if we let him heal, he would show us a way in. He never kept his side of the bargain"

"Thank you Laufey" Odin said.

"Word of warning King of Asgard" Laufey then said.

Causing them to stop.

Old Enemies - series The Asgardian Witch (books 1 - 4)Where stories live. Discover now